Helmet: Cascade M11 with CCM F580 cage Shoulder, shin and elbow: Reebok 11k Gloves: Bauer APX pro and Bauer X60 Pro Pants: Bauer One95 Skates: Bauer X7.0 Sticks: prostock Bauer APX P92 curve, prostock Bauer TotalOne P92 curve, prostock Bauer One95 dressed as orange TotalOne P92 curve, prostock Easton SE16 P88 curve, CCM RBZ Landeskog curve, prostock Cam Fowler Easton SE16 dressed as RS P92, prostock Mikhail Grabovski Easton Mako II toe curve, prostock Easton SE16 dressed as EQ50 kreps curve and prostock Mikhail Grabovski Easton SE16 dressed as S19 Pure toe curve