Hello everyone, I have a question on my spinners. Everyone says they are lasting a long time for them , usually for several wheels. I seem to be going through a spinner a wheel.
I basically sharpen 3 pairs of skates ( mine and my 2 kids). I dress the wheel after sharpening a pair. I am dressing the wheel until it no longer has black on it from my fine shine passes. I lightly touch the spinner to the wheel just barely touching it. I appear to have 2 spinners that are bad. They developed a shiny spot that looks like a line around the spinner. When I sharpen the skates they have a hollow and look sharp ,but one side of the blades will have a dull edge . The dull edge will coincide with the shiny spot on the dressing wheel.
I bought a new drag cap and the spinner spins freely.
Anyone else have this problem?