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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. Thanks for replying! Good to see others with successful recovery. Happy to hear your son is back at it! There were three breaks so they used the screws to basically skewer all three bones in line just narrowly missing the growth plate. The x-rays are very interesting to see...very precise tolerances. The screw heads are under the skin...no plate. Heads are counter suck into the bone with very little penetration above the bone. You can feel them...their not protruding all that much but the area is tender obviously which will get better over time.
  2. Thanks for the reply! Surgeon says he will keep them forever unless issues. The skates he had at the time of injury were already in need of replacement (size and wear) and his good fit can't even get into it to check pressure on the screws. Starting from scratch so its good to know punching out may be an option for off the shelf skates.
  3. Went down a 3 hour rabbit hole this morning reading as many posts as possible on skates and there is a lot of good info. Figured I'd request some updated advice for my 13 yearly son who sustained a very bad ankle injury in May requiring surgery. (during the first night of tryouts!) He now has two screws installed with screw heads on the inside of his right ankle. He is still several weeks away from getting the all clear to skate again but his physical therapy is going really well and his surgeon is very happy with his progress. I'm doing prep work at this point. My first thought was True skates thinking they could accommodate the screw heads to ensure there is no rubbing and discomfort from direct pressure....possibly a "donut" type pad. The True skates could also provide some additional shot protection (he is a defenseman). This is also a fairly reasonable price point for custom skates. He wears a size 8 shoe and is considered low volume. Has skated Bauer, CCM and Graf in the past but this ankle injury has really hit the reset button for us so I'm really open to anything. I appreciate any thoughts and advice that could help him.
  4. Hey! I actually had Peaches Pro Repair do it...had him working on my gloves so sent the skates out as well. I think you should be able to take your skates to any shoe repair shop and ask them to layr a piece of leathr over the edge to "cap" the seam. In fact, I know you can...had a local guy sew my tongues in and he mentioned he could have done the "cap" as well. I can tell a diffeence with them when I work my edges...my ankles kinda slide along when before I could feel them dig in. Peaches only charged me $10.
  5. Just finished these up. Got a lot of great ideas from the forum. Thanks all! Bauer One95s Black Tuuk LE holders Black Edge runners Graf tongues Added soft leather around top edges to protect my ankles from rubbing
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