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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About pody37

  • Birthday 01/23/1986

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    Back in Blighty
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  1. Recently discovered a band called the Catch-it-Kebabs who play "swing-core ska/punk" check them out at: www.myspace.com/catchitkebabs
  2. Yes and yes! I had to have new holes drilled and then had to dremmel a small amount from the bottom of the boot. There are cut outs on the bottom of the boot as acuracing mentioned, so the amount is quite small. Check your PMs
  3. I converted a pair of XXV's to roller with a hummer chassis, pics are a few pages back. Ive been skating them for about 7 months now and i love them. They have held up really well with very little breakdown or damage, and performance is excellent. I'd definately recommend converting a pair to roller.
  4. I mounted a humm'r chassis on my XXV's and i've been skating them for about 7 months now and haven't noticed a problem at all with the area in question. Enjoy your new skates!
  5. Thanks. I bought the hummers from a member on here. They were mounted at a shop near Houston, then i used a dremmel to remove some material to get the 2nd wheel to fit properly.
  6. Finally got these pics up. Vapor XXV Hummer & RR Hornets Been using them a while now and really love them :D
  7. Congratulations!! Good luck in your career!
  8. Congratulations! Good luck!
  9. Catch-22 are still going! they released 'permanent revolution' a few months ago her ein the UK, still sounding good!! A few bands i like: Jesse james Jesse James Myspace Get cape, wear cape, fly! Myspace Captain Everything Myspace [spunge] Spunge The Bronx The Bronx The Explosion Myspace Winenbago Deal Myspace The Fight The fight
  10. Ive just had a scan through the internet, and ive found all 3 of the proposed Crosby/RBK quotes, so they must have just made a few adverts all slightly different...hence we are all correct!!
  11. I agree the pens will come good soon, and win the cup again!! His quote is correct. Crosby's RBK ad is "What do you call 18 years dedicated to hockey? I call it time well spent" .... At least in the UK anyways
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