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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by DarkStar50

  1. The profile of the ONE90 shoulder pad for me is very similar to the Vapor 10 shoulder pad from about 4 years ago. I wear the Vapor 10 shoulder pad so when I had on the ONE90, it felt similar as it sat on top of my shoulders. The shoulder caps may even be from the same mold. I would not be surprised if they are. I thought the profile was down low and close to my shoulders. There was no feeling of having to look over the pad when turning your head to receive a pass or see where a forechecker is coming from before he rams you into the glass in the corner(I'm a defenceman!). The interior grip print feature will help keep the pads in place when combined with a performance undershirt.

    The ONE90 shin pads present a different appearance than the 8000, now Pro Lightspeed. The shin shell is anatomically perfect without the wide width bulk of an RBK 8K or Vector shin pad double tandem wide load look! The part of the shin pad that allows for this is on the outside of your shin where they have removed plastic on a concave line. Pay close attention to this in the picture in the catalog. You will realize what you are seeing when you think about what I just said. It is an interesting idea. My caveat is if you are not a fan of the original Franklin multiple holes in the foam(think Franklin vented gloves), then the first time you see the shin pad and the ONE90 series, as well as the Supreme 70 series, you will have second thoughts. The NBH tag name is Vent Armor foam. It does serve its purpose by breathing and reducing weight in the pad. The anchor strap system also works very well on the shin pad. This is what I call a "no brainer." It is simply an over due idea that should have been done years ago. Leave it to NBH to do it first. It won't be the last time they come through with a "no brainer" that has to leave the other vendors going "Why didn't we think of that?" Uh, because you didn't.

    There is a lot of value in the protection and design of both the ONE90 and Supreme 70 series of protection. If you need to upgrade some gear, it will be worth waiting for before you make a decision on someone else's close out gear sale.

  2. I thought the ONE90 shoulder pad was a bit heavy. There is no doubt the protection is there. The Supreme 70 shoulder pad was actually lighter. Some guys will trade off the weight for the extra protection of the ONE90 over the Supreme 70. Keep it in mind the first time you compare the two shoulder pads.

    Its time to amend this. I tried on the ONE90 shoulder pad Monday at OneGoal. I picked it up first to double-check the weight against the previous sample I had seen a month earlier. This ONE90 felt lighter. Then I picked up the Supreme 70 shoulder pad. This sample was as light as the first one I had seen. Once I put the ONE90 shoulder pad on, I put on the ONE90 elbow pads. The stretch nylon center strap system worked very well. The elbow pads and shoulder pads fit comfortably together with no problems at the bicep. The segmented bicep pad flexed nicely when moving your arm. These two pieces of upper body equipment are worth the money if you want some serious protection.

  3. I just checked the RBK catalog. When you look at the Modano and Crosby blade in the catalog there is a lined graph background. The two blades match up perfectly by checking how they line up against the lined graph background. Since the Modano pattern is a #1 seller pattern, it makes sense to put Crosby's name on the pattern for marketing whether or not it is close to his actual pattern. And we know his blade is as straight as a 50s Northland Custom Pro. RBK has to blank out the references to the Crosby pattern in the catalog. My rep put the stickers over Crosby's name and pattern number in my catalog right in front of me.

  4. I saw the new RBK protective yesterday. The 2 Fitlite series 6K and 4K are very well done. There is still the signature Jofa design and craftsmanship in the product. The shin pads have a unique feature on the calf slash pad. It is velcroed to the plastic shin shell. This allows you to remove it to wash it if you want and also allows you to adjust it up or down if you want this calf protection in a certain place. The shin pads are comfortable and not too bulky. The 3 point attachment system on the shin pad works well and will not get lost due to being velcro attached to the shin shell. Both series of elbow pads were very light. They fit without being restrictive at all.

    The 9K gloves in nylon were light with great flexibility. The split fingers will get your hands around the stick easily. The damper zone padding on the palm is a good idea without being too padded to lose feel on the stick. While the 9K "leather" model is available in 13", 14", and 15", the 9K nylon is available in 14" and 15" only. I would have loved to have seen the 9k nylon made in 13".

  5. There is a line of skates in development. CCM/RBK did not want to rush them to the marketplace for 2007. I don't think we have seen the last of Tacks skates. At least, if I'm in charge of marketing, we haven't!

    I saw the new Vector gloves today. The 10.0 is extremely comfortable. The 14" sample was snug but not as tight as a ONE90. The 3 piece thumb works very well. The mobile cuff on the wrist is better than Easton's. The 8.0 will be a great value at $100 US retail. The 10.0 and 8.0 are available in 14" and 15" only.

  6. The ONE90 protective line is being marketed as the highest-end equipment.

    The Pro LIGHTSPEED shoulder pad, elbow pad, and shin pad will actually be priced higher at retail than the ONE90 series. They have beefed up the new LIGHTSPEED shoulder and shin pad over the current level of protection. The new LIGHTSPEED elbow is similar to the 2006 6000 with extra protection on the inside of your elbow as well. The same stretch nylon padded middle strap is there as was in the 6000 elbow pad. The NIKE Grip print featue has been added to the shoulder pad, shin pad, and elbow pad on the LIGHTSPEED. The marketing push will be ONE90 protective but the Supreme Pro LIGHTSPEED will be more expensive.

  7. The interesting thing to note is who sits next to who. The Quebec players huddle together as well as the US guys would sit next to one another. I have been in the Rangers and Devils home locker rooms as well. They are both bigger than the Canadiens' room.

    I heard that Carbo re-arranged the "seating plan" in the room to break up some of the old habits...and avoid the cliches (sp?) they had last year...

    Well Carbo should do that given this bit of history: During the 95 lock-out year, I was in Montreal with bunch of guys to play a few games. We had some time off and took the Forum tour. When we got to the hallway with all the photos of the Habs captains, we heard this story from the guide. In the 80s, GM Serge Savard let the players vote for the captain. One particular year the players vote was split 50-50 between Chelios and Carbo! Savard said vote again. They had the same result. Savard said vote again and now I'm too old to remember what happened! But anyway, the players' loyalty to their "brethren" goes back to those days when Carbo was playing and of course, long before then.

  8. About the locker room pictures: CCM had a skate party at the Bell Center during one of the last CSGA shows in Montreal. We were allowed to tour the locker room as well as skate on the latest model skate they were introducing at the time. The famous Canadiens saying with the Torch is written above the photos of the great Habs players. The goalies would sit right inside the door entrance, first in, first out. I also thought the room was rather small. Put 20 guys in there with gear on and there would not be much room. In the mid 90s CCM had a skate party at the Forum to launch the CCM Pump Tacks. The locker room in the Forum was the same shape but definitely smaller than this one. The interesting thing to note is who sits next to who. The Quebec players huddle together as well as the US guys would sit next to one another. I have been in the Rangers and Devils home locker rooms as well. They are both bigger than the Canadiens' room.

  9. There is no rule. However, the online shop is in competition with the LHS. The LHS would not buy the item at the same cost from the online shop that he would get buying direct from the vendor. The LHS would pay more for the same item from the online shop. So, the LHS will make no profit on the sale. The LHS would probably lose money after shipping costs, too. You have a good idea in theory that unfortunately doesn't work in the real world.

  10. M/I has been out of stock on a lot of visors for months. They have no visors for the Combo Deluxe for ages. Part of the problem probably lies with the new logo of product as well as production problems. If the vendor does not have the product to ship to retailers, unless you are an NHL team, you are SOL.

    I agree with the courtesy call to the customer. If I take a request for product, the customer will hear from me either way: either good news that the item is in stock and on the way or bad news that the vendor won't have product until a given date that customer service has provided for me. this is simply known as good business and service!

  11. Listening is never part of the equation for the customer. They will always hear only what they want to hear. Sometimes that is why we scream, after they have left.

    BTW, I do know that many MSHers listen but the majority of customers just don't bother no matter how many times we tell them.

  12. The same moment or torque is applied in either case (in the store, or on the ice). That's what causes the stick to flex...torque. You can't flex the stick the same amount in both cases without the torque being the same. Trust me, I'm a graduate student studying Mechanical Engineering at MIT.

    Flexing the stick in a store a light amount, in order to get a fell for the stick should not damage a stick. And if it does, then there is an obvious manufacturer defect, and why would anyone want to buy it. You guys talk about sticks as if they are weak twigs, when in reality they are very strong and the only reason they may be weak is certain cases is because of material defects.

    Stop by the shop with your OPS and defence18 and I will test the flex of your OPS in the shop on the floor, not the rink which is 20' outside the door. Just busting your balls.........

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