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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. I broke my foot about a year ago and couldn't find any skates that fit very well. I was in Toronto tis past weekend and took a shot at the team store in the ACC. I ended up getting a pair of Phaneuf CCM Tacks with Tuuk Lightspeed holders/step steel runners that are barely broken in for $282.50 canadian out the door. The guy I dealt with there said that he would wear a pair of skates for 13-15 games before changing them out.
  2. Currently putting togethet my bag so I cam skate out every now and then. Helmet: Warrior Krown LTE Shoulder Pads: To be determined Elbow Pads: Warrior AX-1 Pants: Ordered Reebok 20K and Warrior Covert DT1's earlier today..will keep the one that has the better tailbone protection and fits the best Shin Guards: Warrior AX-1 Gloves: STX Stallion Skates: Reebok Ribcor 30K Pants: Reebok 20K (stole them from Hockey Monkey for $89)
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