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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. I can't recall what they call them either, but that's the same year I grabbed mine. So yeah the full custom. Well I hope it all goes well!
  2. Ah got it, great info, thanks man. Did you have SVH's before? What's the lead time on CCM? Keep us posted if you remember to!
  3. That's a fair reason to give the CCM's a go. If you don't end up liking them you can throw em on Sidelineswap and get some of your $ back. Did you explore the Total Custom Plus option? It kind of seems the custom portion of the options with CCM are still a semi custom built boot, meaning not like true SVH, and the total custom plus is just more options for adjustment and customization (not the actual boot mold method). Does that sound correct from what you learned or experienced? What were you looking to get out of the CCM's and what did he recommend? Really curious to get your thoughts on the skates when you get em. I would likely go for the FT6 pros, but we all think there is this weird ice connection in the trues vs all other skates, so wondering if CCM boots in general feel decent in that regard.
  4. Yeah I don't have crazy feet issues either, but a buddy pushed me to do the SVH; they're super solid, but maybe not necessary for me. Lol totally with you on the weight savings not making us better, for some reason I pay attention to it, but that's probably from being in super light bauers most my life. The agility thing is I think what I'm chasing. Like I said above, I just feel clunky in the Trues at times, but I'm not sure if I'm really far less agile in the Trues. Maybe it's in my head lol. I noticed you said you were in cat pros, were they that much less agile than the Machs? I had machs for a few months last year. I think I liked them more than the hyperlite 2's. The big thing for me with Bauers now is the negative space. True just has NONE, Bauers have a bunch for me, and my thought is CCM's would be more similar to trues from what I've heard. I still have to crank a little for the right ankle tension, but other than that I agree with you guys. Now, this has changed since I got the new 3D printed tongue. I have to crank a ton on my ankles to get it to what I prefer. Interesting the CCM's are the same. I thought with more padding they would therefore have less negative space and this would be less of an issue. I do use waxed laces for this reason tho, less repeated cranking on laces.
  5. Have you been in True SVH Customs? If so how did they compare to the cat pros? I've considered a different True boot, really for weight difference, but the full svh custom allure is just hard to combat...
  6. Thanks for the info! Do you mean comfort, or how they feel skating when you say nothing feels as good? I'm a pretty experienced skater (30+ years), and I think I'm just trying to not be glued to true for some reason, but honestly, your statement also resonates with me. When I try a different skate it takes a minute to get used to, but I make it work. I then of course test the trues and it's like I never swapped skates, and the feel of the ice and fluidity is just hard to beat (with the bauers at least). The bauer retail fit is just not comparable to True, which is why the FT6 pros looked like something to try. They look like they have the comfort of the Trues, just wondering how they'll perform...
  7. Thoughts on CCM Total Custom Plus? Also, did you go for FT6 Pros? If yes, how did you like those vs True SVH? I've had True SVH for 5 years now. Tried some Machs and HL 2's last year, but ended up back in the Trues. Haven't tried CCM's in years, so potentially wanting to give them a go. What I'm trying to fix is: I like to test new things, and the Trues just feel clunky at times. They overall perform pretty well, but it seems like CCM has really upped the comfort game, and I'm wondering if my skating style would benefit from them and a slightly lighter and more agile boot.
  8. My above comment was meant to be in reply to your question. Not sure how to delete a comment on the phone. but yes, it’s on the new ribcor 5
  9. Yes 100%. Was Just on Ice Warehouse looking for new elbow pads and saw the pre-order form including the new curve.
  10. I literally just bought some shrink wrap from Amazon for a home bake, but that's a real solid idea to bring it with you... My fitter was using those workout bands to wrap around it.
  11. I would say they were decently pliable, but maybe not as much as they should be. I also did one skate at a time, but did not switch sides. I have a convection oven, but it only goes as low as 350 for that setting. I was told on a regular bake setting with it on the entirety of the 10 minutes it will ruin the skate. Swimming may be an over statement, ha, but a lot of room. I compare it to my dress shoes I'm wearing right now; I can scoot my entire foot forward 1/4 inch or so (probably a little less). I did just see that video above of the stretch wrap, so I'll try that tomorrow (game tonight). Thanks for the reply, Sniper! I was going to reach out to see about getting some extra red insoles, but I do think this is great advice so that they are aware of the fit issue given there is a warranty period, and get some suggestions. I did at least reach out to my fitter, though, so he's aware. Really appreciate the feedback.
  12. Hey all, Sorry in advance for the long initial explanation. Lurked for a while, and actually read through probably 50+ pages in here. Quite a bit of info, and some funny stuff, but I digress... I've had my trues for about 5 weeks, but only skated on them 4 or 5 times. Bottom line is I absolutely love them. I had no idea going from a stock to a TRUE, would have this much control, comfort, and performance. It's crazy... I do, however, have a small fit issue that I'm really hoping to get dialed in as much as possible. I've read quite a bit on the subject in here, and elsewhere, so I apologize for being repetitive, but I wanted to get some advice directly from the knowledgeable people here to make sure I do this in the best manner possible. My issue: Heel-lock, and negative space I ordered and baked from a place in Colorado, that was apparently the first VH fitter in the US back in the day, so I think he knows his stuff. However, he is fairly far away from where I live and I have an 11 month old girl, so obviously going to him to re-bake and tinker isn't the easiest thing. So I'm looking for advice on doing this at home, but I'll make the trek down if need be. What I've done: - Baked at home; Heated to 180 degrees (turned oven off) then in for 10 minutes, then on the foot. Placed a clamp at the lower heel below the leather ankle area, also another slightly above that, then another near the middle eyelets (forefoot area). I did this for both feet. Also, I did not tie the laces too tight; definitely stuck to the 80% rule. - Put in the red insoles for both skates (below my Speedplates - if it matters I am using those) - Adjusted tongue down as much as possible to secure toe box area for a more snug fit Doing those things successfully helped the left skate a good amount to where I'm fairly happy, but the right still feels like I'm swimming in it. Also important to note: I am cranking on both skates laces when I play to try and get them snug. This is something I've heard shouldn't be necessary with True's... I was planning on getting some more red insoles from True to double down, possibly baking again at home, then as a last resort going back to my fitter. I do have doubts about what he can do that I can't, though (no offense meant to any fit specialists, I just feel as though I have the same tools to get this dialed in). A few questions I have: Did I bake them long enough? I wonder this as I know True's need to be baked longer. Any other suggestions or input? Thanks guys!
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