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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About ScotiaCygnus

  • Birthday April 30

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  • Helmet
    CCM 652
  • Gloves
    Flite 2900
  • Stick
    Easton Shootout & Fiber+

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  1. Personally, I'd replace it with a picture of Malkin & Crosby and leave it in there. I'd never miss the net that way.
  2. I'm an avid reader of that blog, thanks d00de. Thought I'd do a bit of my own research, lo & behold, I found the above.
  3. FINALLY! A helmet (except from the Cooper SK600) that fits my huge head. Sold the CCM 652 and got this Jofa 290. Gave it a good clean, removed the studs, replaced them with new screws & nuts, added extra visor/j-clip holes (by hand, without power tools), added the new visor, plus Saltires and my number that I traced on to spare helmet sticker tabs. I knew that Selanne wore a 290 in the '91 Canada Cup, but wanted to see if he wore one with Jokerit. And he did indeed in the 1991-92 season (a white one too - much to my pleasure). Tah-dah! (Notice the ear shield central 'bars' are missing.)
  4. Sorry, it was just an assumption after skimming the warning sticker, but there's nothing that states it voids the warranty: Thanks for the tip too! Hate those bloody things - a right eye-sore. Awesome, thanks d00de! Thanks everyone for helping me out here, as I'm new to 'playing it by the book' as it were. We use the BIPHA rule book in Scotland and all it says is that you should wear a helmet designed for ice hockey and that's CSA approved, over 21s face protection is optional - but nothing prohibiting decals.
  5. Appreciate that feedback, thanks! Just curious, I know that putting decals on a helmet voids the warranty - is this still the case with the 'SportStar' blank tabs even though they're endorsed by the NHL? I'm keeping the CSA, HECC and CE sticker on anyway. Has the 'Warning, ice hockey is a collision sport...' sticker to remain on the helmet? Apologies if I'm opening a can of worms.
  6. Haha, most welcome. I had a few searches - but I couldn't find anything devoted specifically to old gear. Not long sold my SK2000. I've still got the white SK600, as I said before, it's the comfiest helmet I've ever had. The red one was one of the terrible early '90s versions before they phased them out - was as protective as a mixing bowl with straps. As previously mentioned I got this through half an hour after posting. Brand new CCM 652: It's a snug fit, not uncomfy as such. Has anyone else felt this with the dark VN foam that CCM uses? Hoping if I wear it around the house for a few days it'll soften up.
  7. Hey folks, first time posting - long time lurker (apologies). Made the jump from inline goalie to skater 'cos g-gear is getting too expensive on a rubbish income. Here's some relics I've went through 'cos my head is like Sputnik: Cooper SK600 & HM30 (Goalie Set-Up) Cooper SK600 (Skater Set-Up) Cooper SK600 & CCM (HM50 Replica) Cage Cooper SK2000 (Bumpers Removed) & CCM (HM50 Replica) Cage Still haven't found a comfier helmet than the SK600. Got a new, old stock CCM 652 in the mail ATM - hopefully be a step-up safety-wise.
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