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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. I experienced the same thing as well. I just started in net, and for 2 weeks I was only playing goal. The first time on the ice in player skates was pretty weird and uncomfortable. After abour 5 or 10 minutes I was back to normal though, and the more I have switched back and forth, the less time it takes to warm up to them (it's almost non-existent now). It was actually a reason I was hesitant to play goal; I still wanted to skate out but didn't want to screw up my ability to balance on player skates, lol.
  2. Besides personal preference, the thickness of the steel can have a slight effect even with the exact same hollow being put on thanks to simple geometry (a thicker blade will have more bite on a given hollow than the same hollow but on a thinner blade). It isn't as big of a factor as skating ability is, but a factor nonetheless. Though it doesn't mean anything, I personally use 9/16" and I weigh 150lbs. 5/8" is way too slippery for me.
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