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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by knobdy

  1. So I'm using a pair of the Bauer Classic shoulder pads since I'm in beer league and just want a bit of protection over my shoulders (separated one a couple of years ago, so no fun). My problem with them is that they are hotter than hell... Anyone have any suggestions as to something I can do that will help with the heat?
  2. Obviously I'm not OptimusReim but I actually just picked up the Avision Elite and have used it for 3 games (3 days) in a row and will be using it again tonight. On ice it doesn't actually fog up but a thin layer of condensation does builds up so it gets this shimmery/watery look (hard to explain) when you are on the bench. Once you get on the ice for a couple of seconds of skating it dissipates though. For my roller league I didn't get any build up at all, it was perfect all game. Now, to be fair I was breathing out of my mouth for both Ice games as I've been fighting a stuffy nose the last week. For Roller I remembered to use a nasal spray so it cleared me out. For my ice game tonight I'm going to use the nasal spray again (hopefully I remember) and try to make sure I breath out of my nose more on the bench to see if there is a difference. Also, I've been using NoSweat pads in my Warrior Krown to help with sweat management. Not sure if that makes a difference or not for people who don't use them.
  3. I actually picked up a Krown since my Mission Inhaler was a little too big and figured what the hell, if it got a good rating at least it isn't shit. At the time it was $60 and there was a 20% off coupon so I got the helmet for like $45. Can't really complain, only thing that sucked was they didn't have it in White so another Black helmet...
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