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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by bangerjc

  1. Cool. So a large for a large girdle should be a bit more roomier then the stock shell? The site has no returns just want to make sure I don't waste money. Thays why I was leaving towards a medium Pp10. Looks like it would be more comfortable
  2. I came across these (2) shells, what would be best for comfort without being skin tight like the stock tacks shell https://www.prostockhockey.com/player-protective/shells/size-l-ccm-pp9ka-girdle-shell-team-stock-not-identified-2/ https://www.prostockhockey.com/player-protective/shells/size-m-ccm-pp10-pant-shell-team-stock-indy-fuel/
  3. Im having a tough time finding a plain black CCM pp90 shell online, can you suggest anywhere? I came across a pp15, looks like a pant shell, but i read some guys use these? any experience?
  4. Awesome info man thanks. What's the diff between pp90 and pp9k? Which do. You prefer
  5. Haha thanks for the response. What size is your pp90 and how does the fit look over the shell? Tight looking or roomy?
  6. Thanks. What model is the shell you got?
  7. I just ordered a large ccm 7092 girdle and I tried them on in the store first but didn't like how tight the stock shell was. What would be the best ccm shell to order for these that wouldn't be so tight on the legs? Pp90 pp10? I know it's preference but I don't have stores that carry shells near me so I would be ordering them online. Anyone have any pics of them wearing a large girdle wirh a shell?
  8. Thanks for the reply, what's your height and weight?
  9. Hi looking for people who have owned these and how they fit. I'm going to order a pair online but reading different things on sizing and they run on the larger size from what the sizing guide says in regards to waist size.
  10. I've been doing my own PT. Going to gym and exercises at home.
  11. Makes sense, thanks for sharing your experience. How's the knee now? I played lastnight in my new donjoy Defiance 3 it felt fine, although mentally I know it's not so I was being very careful about quick stop and starts etc. Although I was fine cutting hard etc. It's insane how fast you get out of hockey shape when you haven't skated in a couple of months. My legs were so full of lactic acid that was more of an issue then my acl tear lol. I'm going to continue light skating with my brace, and putting another one on my good knee just in case. Until I get a 2nd opinion about surgery. I don't have any Instability but my knee definitely feels a little sore today, more so when I squat down near the bottom. Not sure what that means but gonna rest it until next week and try ahain wirh the brace. This injury blows!
  12. If anyone needs a knee brace in Ontario let me know I have a guy who is excellent.
  13. I'm pretty sure anyone can buy these. I just got custom fit for one lastnight, it seems like I won't have to modify anything of my shin pads to get it on. The Defiance 3 is quite streamline.
  14. Saw surgeon yesterday he didn't mention anything about surgery. He said if I want to play hockey just get a brace. He gave me a quotation for $1700 for a donjoy. Found them online for half the price. Question, has anyone played with a donjoy armour? How does it compare to say a shock doctor or mcdavid hinged brace?
  15. Hey had an mri waiting for surgeon appointment on thr 9th of December Turns out I have tears in acl, lcl and meniscus as well as bone bruising. Thr nurse from my doctors office didn't give much info and said wait for my appointment
  16. Thanks, going to try my best to get an MRI, but here in Ontario they take 3-6 months. Kind of defeats the purpose.
  17. I hope you're right and it's not a tear, but I felt a strong POP sensation. Definitely alarming. I stayed off it for about 2 weeks, pain was minimal but couldnt straighten my leg 100%. Played Last wednesday (got through ok) then played friday and I def felt a pain again when i was skating backwards and was quite alarming. Instead of guessing/waiting to play with hopes of hitting the ice soon im going to go get it looked at further.
  18. Great advice, so you were able to still skate on your knee before you had the ACL reconstruction? I played twice this past week after the injury with a brace on. Something def not right, but im able to play. Friday was a warning sign that i felt i could injure it more if i kept playing. Def want to see whats going on, going to go see a specialist this week, or drive to buffalo for an mri from toronto.
  19. I know it was urgent care the last time I went for my last injjury they ordered me an MRI, the doctor didnt give a shit, your xrays are fine, take a week off hockey. lol Im looking into driving to buffalo from toronto to expedite an MRI out of pocket.
  20. Something popped and I had to crawl to the bench I thought for sure I was toast. I couldn't stand on it let alone skate. I sat on the bench for a period then went out and finished a few shifts. (stupid I know) but I got an apple on the game winner lol. So I took two weeks off and the pain and swelling went away. But the need didn't feel quite right. A little bit of pain when I go past Parallel in a squat form and when I extend my leg fully it clicks. My other knee kinda clicks too but the Injuried one definitely more. And I csn rotate my knee when it's straight and I get a little click/pop feeling. It's not painful. I played a pickup game Wednesday with a brace. It didn't feel great but I was able to get through it. I played pickup ahain today with a brace and when I was skating backwards and pivoting on the Injuried leg I felt a sharp pain and thought I did it again. I was able to finish out the skate minimal pain but def was going in 1st gear since I think i renagged whatever it is going on in there. I wonder if this would require an mri or just More rest. Here in Ontario mris take months. I hurt my knee a couple years ago and got an mri 6 months later. What's the point? Doctor told me I had a hair line crack at that time. Lol. Frustrating! I missed 3 games already and I figured I was good to go. It almost feels tight and a little unstable it's hard to explain. I kinda walk with a limp. I may be doing it subconsciously because it feels better not putting full pressure on it
  21. I don't believe they are pitting there are no signs of rust. I dry them properly and remove soakers once I get home. Same thing I've done with any blade for the past 30 years
  22. Got them new from pro hockey life. And yes I heard this from another pro shop. I took them back to the place but didn't have receipt and they couldn't help me.
  23. So I was recommended step Steels as replacements in my skates. After every game I have to sharpen them as they seem like they are brittle and just falling apart like 20 chips on each blade every skate. I've had them for a few months and have already had them sharpened like 40x whats the deal with these things? I had them sharpened again last night and the kid said these blades are softer in metal and this is what he sees even on his. I thought they were suppose to be more durable? I never had this issue with ls2s
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