I'm currently buying my first set of gear to start playing net and I've got a few questions I hope you guys can help me with. I was at lhs yesterday and bought my blocker, catcher, pants, and stick. I've also scored some really nice Koho skates online for cheap. Lhs didn't have a c/a to fit me at my price point in stock but I did try some of them on to get an idea for what brand I would prefer. I've got it down to either the Vaughn Ventus LT88 and the Warrior Ritual G2. Has anyone used either or both of these? I wear some Warrior gear when I skate out so I'm kind of leaning towards getting the G2 right now. I also still need to get a helmet. Are there any out there that would be about the same price point as the nme3? I know that Bauer's going through some trouble with their masks right now but I didn't see the nme3 on that list. I'd like to try and stay new for the helmet just because of safety and precautionary reasons. Thanks for the help!