More important than any rating system and/or having the "best" in the a properly fitted helmet. As long as it's not a bottom-of-the-line HARD foam helmet, a helmet that adjusted, so that the cage actually contacts the hooks on the side with a slight space under the chin cup (even with a mouthpiece), front-to-rear adjusted and circumference around the head adjusted, so that when strapped and the cage is held, that your head should only shift ever so slightly. Typical example, those players you see with cages that are swinging or the one whose helmet comes down slightly over their eyes...........yeah, that's wrong. I bought My GIRLS Re-Akts (was really looking at some mid-level IMS), but because they play with their hair in a ponytail and the IMS's have only an adjustable circumference, when I held the cage, up and down was fine, but side-to-side had excessive movement. The Re-Akt with the occipital lock at the rear that adjusts to the occipital bone at the back of the skull, it literally locks the helmet from front-back movement. GREAT helmet and cool, too. But, if you don't want it..................