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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by GreatestAmericanBeardo

  1. On 7/23/2020 at 5:24 PM, MyBoxersSayJoe said:

    Just skated last night.  We had to get dressed and undressed outside.  No bags allowed inside.  You sign a contact tracing waiver, they take your temp, and you're assigned a seat where you can put your skates, helmet, and gloves on.  Have to wear a mask until you go on the ice.  Once we were on the ice, no problem or worries.  Managed to get beaned by a slapshot my first shift.  Had to go for an x-ray this morning, thankfully no fracture, but I have a huuuuuuuuge welt on my arm.  I was expecting to be more tired and out of shape.

    guess you're playing at Floyd as well.   I think they've been handling it pretty well.   not a huge fan of dressing outside, but its a start.  

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  2. On 3/21/2017 at 2:55 PM, IPv6Freely said:

    Fixer Upper and Flip or Flop (which is not being made anymore due to their divorce)

    wait... and i can't believe i'm even going to say this... who's getting divorced?   the Flip of flop couple (with the huge mouths)? of Chip and Joanna?

  3. On 2/24/2017 at 5:50 PM, chk hrd said:

    It takes more endurance and sometimes strength to do things wrong. If you have good technique you use less energy in the motions. IMHO a physically weak person who has great technique is a better asset that a physically stronger player that has lousy technique. The best players are the ones who have both.

    this is kinda what i was told when i started playing Golf.   If you want good form, watch WOMAN's golf.  they don't have the same power the men do, so they HAVE to rely on good/great form and let the club do all the work.   (and not trying to be sexist)

    "Whats wrong with being sexy?" 


  4. On 2/23/2017 at 6:25 PM, YukonLiving said:

    I've flipped past this show a few times thinking it would be cheesy... might have to give it a watch now.

    you may want to turn on the captions to catch all the dialogue.  for a bunch of slow moving hicks, they sure does talks fast  XD

    • Like 1

  5. 21 hours ago, Jamarquan said:

    Lots of snow coming tomorrow. No school. And new lax stuff should be coming in a few weeks (our team captains ordered custom gloves). 

    Today's all good.

    i just wish it would stay cold in the northeast so the ponds would freeze over.  this damn snow ain't helping matters  :/


  6. On 1/30/2017 at 10:53 AM, strosedefence34 said:

    The Albany Devils (AHL) are most likely packing their bags for Binghamton.  Its a huge bummer for the hockey fans.  I live about 15 minute walk from where they play so my wife and I as well as bunch of people would always go and heckle the other goalie.  It was always something fun to do.  I end up going to around 20 games a season.  There is talk about them bringing in another professional team, but I don't think its going to be hockey.

    that sucks... Guess you'll have to bring back the River Rats.   (I had a lot of friends, and my now wife went to Albany U) lots of good times up there, and i think we even saw a few of those River Rat games...

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  7. 9 hours ago, kmfdm86 said:

    Today I'm grateful that I play hockey with face protection. 

    Second inline game of the season (won our first game 2-0). We're facing a new team to the league, it's their first season there.

    We're destroying them 8-1 with about 7 minutes to go in the third. Puck lands at the half boards and I'm heading towards it at about a 45 degree angle. Guy on the other team is heading for it at about the same angle but going the other way. I just barely get there first and this dude takes a giant golf swing at the puck and cracks me straight up the centerline of my cage with the shaft of his stick. He doesn't apologize and just moves on. Ref is standing five feet away. The whole team saw him watch it happen and the ref just shrugs at me. It's not like he brushed me with it or anything. It was loud. Normally I don't get worked up over missed calls but if I wasn't wearing anything I'd have a broken nose and missing teeth.

    On my last face off I was against him and just kind of wrapped his stick up and shoved him out. Felt good. Haha. Final score was 8-2, but still. 

    its been my experience, that unless you go down, thats not getting called.  Especially late in the game.  

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