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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by GreatestAmericanBeardo

  1. Pretty crap game last night. Not super busy (hence the video being so short). Also I ran out of space on my memory card so I lost the last 10 minutes of the 3rd period, where a bunch of goals were scored, I got run over, one of our guys got hit from behind starting a "scrum" behind my net (that I attempted to get involved in until the ref yelled at me to back off), them scoring an empty-net goal that resulted in the goal scorer getting tossed for his theatrics after the goal, and then us scoring with 19 seconds left, unfortunately making the empty net the winning goal. Ended up losing 5-4 I believe... the game sheet still says 4-3 for some reason.

    Also, the camera angle sucks pretty bad in the first period, and REALLY bad in the second period. I could tell it was aimed too low, but I didn't want to fix it because I was trying to get away with having it without the refs telling me to take it down and didn't want to bring attention to it.

    Anyway, here's the video.

    PFFT! 39 took a dive on that play at 0:29. did he get the call from the ref?

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  2. ok, so i'm a few day late on this one, but with work being not that much fun today i thought of something that was to get me through the day.

    90 minutes of family hockey on New Years Day with my 8yo in his Toews jersey & 5yo in his Jagr *Rangers* jersey. learning the game and having a ton of fun. they say "what you do on NYD you do all year" i can think of no better way to spend the coming year.

    and YES, they still suck. but after the game ended and there was 10 mins of free time, i gave my 8yo the choice of getting changed or staying out. he chose staying out.

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  3. you should try electric muscle stimulation. Muscle Stim pads worked wonders for me. my whole lower back was locked up for months before i finally went to a chiropractor. finally moving and twisting again. i have a huge back spasm two weeks ago, i took out the EMS she have me and cranked it up, boom two days all better. just make sure you're set at the correct frequency or it will do nothing. do you have a chiropractor you trust?

    my other suggestion in MOIST heat. dry heating packs will actually draw moisture out on the muscle making it worse. Get a wet towel (well, ring it out so its not dripping) fold it up and pop it into the microwave for 30 to 45 seconds, them pop it on the aggravated spot.

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  4. My number one rule, Heads up! Practice not looking at the puck from the beginning, it's a hard habit to break later on down the track. During this drill try and look 2 or even 3 pucks ahead and try to picture the lines on the ice where you want the puck to go.

    YEAH! heads up early on. i learned that the hard way during my first house league as a kid. (i sucked, and still do) so i was plopped on the team with a lot of really good kids, who spent day and night at the rink. i chased the puck (head down) into the boards and passed it out. for a second i was really proud of myself, then i turned around and the star of the team bent me over the boards. Coach yelled "JOHN!!!" and the kid said, "what, he's gotta learn to skate with his head up!!!" THAT was the day i learned to skate with my head up AT. ALL. TIMES.

  5. GOOD LORD AM73!!! how are you able to get THIS MUCH open ice?? if it Philly area i may have to take the two hour drive south and crash that party.

    BTW: i watched your videos and the improvement is great! I am trying to get back into the sport (at 45) after playing house leagues as a kid and into High school (before breaking my femur) i've been doing the "hang around thing" at a small rink 10 mins from home, and hope to be playing 4 on 4 at this small rink (Fritz Dietl) next week. again, the best way to get better is to play. with all that open ice theres lots of margin for error. Getting out on the ice with two full teams skating, will heighten your senses, and allow you to focus more. (i believe). like my pop told me when i first started skiing, if you don't know what to do, FALL. as long as you get back up you're doing it right :)

    good luck


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  6. Just arrived in the mail today, "Government Edition" 335. The rosewood in the fretboard was part of the wood confiscated in the raid of the Gibson factory a couple years ago and returned as part of the settlement. It's #99 of 300 and if I were inclined to name my guitars, this one would be "Wayne" for obvious reasons. But I'm not and it won't be.


    i want to report this image for being so damn hot! i feel like you should Nigel Tufnell me right now, and tell me "you've looked at it long enough"

    that flat black tho

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