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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. I like the support up high on my ankle, boots feel to "short" if I skip the top one, hence why I skip #2 instead. It actually gives me more room to bend w/o being restrictive. As for my lacing style I prefer to tie really tight up until mid ankle and loosen up as I get closer to the top.
  2. All - I've had my VH skates now since Mid August and have skated probably 60-70 times in them. For background I played Jr hockey and D-3 in college. I've had flat feet which have caused problems my whole life and these are the first no pain skate I have ever had(I use the CCM red footbeds). My Question is for anyone else here who has the skates - I find that if I do not skip the 2nd eyelets they simply are restrictive to my deep knee bend(I'm a very good low skater). I literally cannot lace them up the "normal" way, is it possible my tracing were done incorrectly? My next issue is that even when I use howie's wax laces, I find that my skates loosen up and I have to re-tie 3 times/game and I never had to do that with my Graf 703's or my old Bauer's. Any input would be much appreciated!!
  3. Just an update - I finally put these in my Bauer 1x skates and it's made a huge difference. I used the extra shim that was provided and it was the perfect fit.
  4. Thanks for the feedback guys, appreciated. Was about to get rid off the 1x's so hopefully this fixes my issue. happy new years
  5. Hey - I am in a new pair of Vapor 1x skates and I absolutely cannot stand the extra room in the toe box. Has anyone used these w/ the 1x yet?
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