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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. P28 vs. W28 - The loft (openness) is the same, but there are very subtle differences between them. The P28 has slightly more toe rocker and is a slightly deeper curve compared to the W28. I am currently rotating one of each in games, and I can't tell the difference with regard to the curves. Blade stiffness, flex point, etc are much more noticeable differences to me. The P30 has less toe than a P28, so I would imagine it would need more follow through on the release.
  2. Thanks for the response, sounds like it could work well for me. I will likely pick one up when its time to replace my current shaft. Regarding blade stiffness- I do have an extra stiff blade, and I like it a lot for everything except shooting. With the extra stiff blade, shots were not nearly as accurate or predictable. Something about my shooting mechanics I assume.
  3. I'm interested in the shaft option for the Reign LT. Can you elaborate on the flex profile? How would it compare to say a Warrior Dynasty? Also, what is the weight of the shaft? I currently use Base Stiff blades exclusively, and tapered shaft options are dwindling.
  4. There is a small gap on with all of the Base blade and shaft combos I have used. I have paired them with shafts from True, Warrior, Bauer, Reebok, and Base. I haven't had any issues with Base blades at the connection point of the shaft. The gap used to bug me so much that I taped around it with black tape so it didn't look so obvious, but I've just gotten used to it. It would be nice if they would align flush like the Bauer blade & shaft combos I have.
  5. I've never seen the Gionta curve, but the Malkin pro is very similar to the Bauer P88. The primary difference is the curve is more towards the toe on the Malkin. Rocker, blade length, lie, and overall depth are pretty similar.
  6. Here goes... Base BC27 on left, BC10 on right <blockquote class="imgur-embed-pub" lang="en" data-id="a/lRs9z"><a href="//imgur.com/lRs9z"></a></blockquote><script async src="//s.imgur.com/min/embed.js" charset="utf-8"></script> BC27 on left, BC10 right <blockquote class="imgur-embed-pub" lang="en" data-id="a/lRs9z"><a href="//imgur.com/lRs9z"></a></blockquote><script async src="//s.imgur.com/min/embed.js" charset="utf-8"></script> ^^^ I see this didn't work, links below. http://imgur.com/a/lRs9z http://imgur.com/a/2bBtc http://imgur.com/a/v9o5X
  7. Yep, I'll take pictures and post them. May take me a while to figure out how to post them here though, lol. (I know I need to set up a photo bucket or some such first.)
  8. The last 3 blades I ordered had a better fit into the shaft. There is still a bit of a gap, but not as bad as some of the blades I recieved in the past. I had to take a sander to one once. That said, I have never had any performance issues or breaks at the connection point.
  9. I also picked up the blade only version with the stiff blade. For reference, I've been using the BC10 for a little over a year. The Kovalev is more rockered, which wasn't too difficult to adjust to, but the biggest challenge with this curve for me was the blade length. It is much longer than what I am used to, and this threw off my shots. If I had the puck right on the toe, my shots are great. But I found it hard to keep the puck in the sweet spot for shooting. I am back to the BC10 for now.
  10. I feel a lot more agile with a shallower hollow, and transitions are easier. The drawback is that sharp turns at high speed can feel a bit dicey at times. Would be interesting to know what hollow McDavid uses.
  11. I would definitly be interested in a lower lie BC28!
  12. I take mine out after every skate. I use a special set of claw like tweezers that I had laying around the house. That tape idea ^ above looks brilliant, I'll give that a try...
  13. There is a photo of a Kovalchuk on the "BIG toe curve" thread, but it is from 2010. Not sure if the link below goes to the post in question, it is on page 27 of the thread.
  14. Thanks, looks like a similar lie to the BC10, but with more rocker. It actually looks similar to your BC28 pattern with the slight heel kink.
  15. Thanks for the response. I like the BC 10 because it has no heel kink, and has a rockered bottom. If it had a slightly lower rocker and was slightly less open, it would be the perfect curve for me. The pictures above give me hope. While the BC10 is listed as a 5 lie, it plays closer to a 6 to me, and lining it up along side a Bauer P92 lie 6, the lie is comparable between the two.
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