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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by AIK1891

  1. I was afraid of that. When I was in college I worked winters at a Camden County hockey pro shop and summers in a Salem County golf pro shop and we did lots of custom orders and never charged tax for out-of-state shipping. Bet we also got audited a lot on in-state sales on what things were taxable sporting goods (hockey sweaters, spiked golf shoes) or non-taxable clothing (hockey fan sweater for a baby, spikeless golf staff shoes). I understand the CYA. a shame that I have to think twice about coming up there because not only $15+ sales tax, from Exit 1 on the Turnpike I'm probably also looking at another $15 in tolls (road taxes).
  2. I'm in south Jersey and Del., but have been by your rink/store. in fact reading this I was thinking of detouring in to discuss custom Eagles next time I go to NYC. but was your mention of sales tax to mean 'because I'm in NJ I had to collect for this order to FL.' or more likely 'if you were to come to my store for a pair, in NJ we have 7% added to purchases.' ?
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