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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. I live in Finland. And it costs 5 €. But in addition to my other posts.. I have been apadting to 85/75 and I really like the bite. I can dig in better and make those tight turns.
  2. I hear you man.. I might have exaggerated "problems" with FBV and I understand the inconsistencies in my first post. I might be overdoing this.. But I'll never go back to ROH since I'm seeing and feeling the benefits of FBV over ROH sharpening. I'll just stick with current settings!
  3. I played from age 7 to 14 seriously. Then had 15 years off(besides outdoor games during every winter). And now 4th year back in business althought level of hockey is low nowadays. Propably close to beerleague level in NA. Just playing for fun with friends. I could play higher but that would be too serious..???? I consider myself pretty good skater especially backwards since used to play D as a kid. Oh and I use triple radius with very low radius front and back. Weight around 200lbs..
  4. Hi guys! I was introduced to FBV about six monts ago and I've liked it a lot. But I could use a little bit of your help. I read this whole thread(took about 2 weeks) to really understand the concept and get an idea to what direction I want to go. My problem is that I haven't found the perfect FBV yet and my sharpener doesn't have too many spinner(6 exactly). I have tested 90/50 twice(over 10hours with each sharpening) and had same problems every time I skate. I really like the glide and top speed with that setting but I'm lacking bite in turns and my first three steps to accelerate are little wobbly. Also some other balance issues with that setting. And getting push off in corners by opponents. I got 85/50 after my first 90/50. That felt better in bite. But according all info gathered from this thread this shouldn't be the case? I chose 85/50 because I found some Blackstone chart in internet stated 85/50 to above 90/50 in terms of bite.. I then afterwards found this thread and started question my thoughts and feelings about 85/50. Has anyone else found 85/50 to have more bite than 90/50 or is that even possible? Anyhow I then tried again 90/50 to make sure if it could be better in bite but no. Same issues again.. Haven't had 85/50 for second time though since with that too I felt I could have even more bite.. Now I just got a new set of steel (ramonedge) which are noticeably taller then factory steel and a bit wider if remember correctly. I went for 85/75 this time. I've only skated once with this but I really liked the bite in turns and acceleration and better balance. I didn't like that I felt more drag than 90/50 . Also had a little bit of that choppines when making rapid stops. But I remember having those also first time when trying 90/50 and after adjusting time they were gone so I'm assuming to get rid of those in time. My sharpener only has 80/75, 85/75, 80/50, 80/50, 85/50, 88/50 and 90/50 so I'm pondering to get my factory steel to get sharpened somewhere else(second nearest FBV prolly 200 miles away). Is 75 depth no-no to me? Can I get more glide moving up from 85/75 to 90/75 or 95/75 or is it just more drag? or maybe both due to wider flat but more edge angle?? Or should I go upper in 50 depth to get more bite angle say 95/50 or 100/50? And does steel quality, width or heightness make a significant role in FBV? I appreciate any advice! ps. sorry if bad grammar, I live in Europe
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