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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About JWells

  • Birthday April 2


  • Skates
    Graf 9035 with EDGE holders LS4 steel
  • Stick
    True A6.0 2pc with HCS blade. ALL BLACK AB5
  • Gloves
    Eagle Aero Pro, CCM 4r Pro
  • Helmet
    Reebok 11k and 8k
  • Pants
    Reebok 6k, CCM Ultra Tacks
  • Shoulder Pads
    Mission Roller hockey padded shirt
  • Elbow Pads
    CCM Quicklite
  • Shin Pads
    CCM Ultra Tacks
  • Hockey Bag
    Ice Warehouse

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Spokane, WA
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  1. im in the market for either the Super Tacks or new Jetspeeds FT1 when they release (whichever one fits better). ive always had Grafs and swap Tuuks on to them. was just curious as to the swap. my current Graf 9035 with Edge holders and LS4 steel is a great combo. im hoping the ST or FT1 can match with the +4.0 holders and black step steel, your thoughts?
  2. New guy here. been updating after a bit of a hiatus from hockey. Helmet: Reebok 11k, Reebok/CCM 8k with fishbowl Shoulders: Mission padded shirt Elbow: CCM QLT Gloves: Eagle Aero Pro, CCM 4r Pro 3 Pants: Reebok 6k, CCM Ultra Tack Shins: CCM Ultra Tacks Skates: Graf 9035 w/ Edge holders and LS4 steel, looking to replaced them with Super Tacks or Jetspeed FT1 in summer. Sticks: True A6.0 2pc (95 cut down 4in) w/ HCS blade, ALL BLACK AB5 (100 cut 2in)
  3. whats the advantage of running the edge holder over the +4.0? you can get all same steel for them... is there a strength or fit aspect im missing?
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