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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Shad

  1. @Chicks with sticks THAT WOULD BE AMAZING!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I sent you a private message with my email & contact info. Check it out and get at me when you have a moment. YOU'RE THE BEST!! Thx again!
  2. @Buzz_LightBeer @Cavs019 @bl4 Hey guys.. quick question about this curve you’ve helped me with. Does anybody know what the Lie of that Fischer pattern was? Thanks 👍
  3. @althoma1 wow.. what a wonderfully detailed answer. Thank you very much for that information. When I bought the missions I never even considered that brand because of the unknown.. but now I’ll check them out with that info in mind. I appreciate your your time and the help🙂👍 THANKS AGAIN!!
  4. Hey everybody.. quick question for you all. i use to have a pair of some Mission he950 from back in the day and they were the most comfortable skates I’ve ever owned.. super lightweight and just a great fit. i just bought a pair of Mission NLS3 and I don’t like them at all!! They don’t even feel like missions.. it’s weird. Anybody have any any advice on skates like the he950? thanks a lot!!
  5. @Buzz_LightBeer @Cavs019 @bl4 Thanks a lot guys! This is some pretty old info. With all your info I’ve been able to get wayyyyy closer to making this happen. Like all of you have said.. it’s been and will be hard to come by with all this stuff. i bought a Drury right when I made the post.. but will now be getting a the HCS from true and the p15 and v16 in a couple weeks. Freakin ABS Drury blade on a True SBP 6.0 shaft completely defeats the purpose LOL. It feels like I’m carrying a 5 pound weight on the end of the stick.
  6. The options I’ve found for me to be able to buy are online at ice/inline warehouse.com They have replacement blades for a couple different but as far as heel curves.. they have Sakic and Drury blades made by Frontier.. and the HCS pattern by True. The HCS is like the Lidstrom and Kesler. so my options are limited to these. i was thinking about the HCS but I’ve never used a square toe and didn’t know how it would be for me. I play offense btw I appreciate all the help 🙂
  7. Hey thanks for the reply. P15.. that’s the Galchenyuk right? I was looking at a picture of that earlier. I bought a two piece True 6.0 to be able to try a bunch of blades out before I buy a one piece.. I ordered a Drury blade because it looked similar and was available. I’ll definately get the p15 if I can find a replacement blade. Does it have to be pro stock? Thanks again for your help bro, I really appreciate it.
  8. PLEASE HELP!! I haven’t played hockey for about 10 years and I recently joined a league and want to use the same blade/curve that I previously had. After months and months of searching I’m starting to think this is the one thing the internet can’t help me with. BLADE/PATTERN DETAILS - •CCM VECTOR (brand) .... .... .... .. .... .... ..•FISCHER (Player Name) (Pattern) Anybody know the specs? Or the lineage of the pattern to what it is now? I JUST NEED A PICTURE OF THE CURVE! Or a way to buy it.. the exact one or an exact clone or as close to it as possible. PLEASE HELP!! Thanks for reading
  9. PLEASE HELP!! I haven’t played hockey for about 10 years and I recently joined a league and want to use the same blade/curve that I previously had. After months and months of searching I’m starting to think this is the one thing the internet can’t help me with. BLADE/PATTERN DETAILS - •CCM VECTOR (brand) .... .... .... .. .... .... ..•FISCHER (Player Name) (Pattern) I think it’s Jiri Fischer from the Red Wings back in the day.. and I think the fact that his last name is spelled the same way as the actual “Fischer” company has added to the difficulty of finding it online. I JUST NEED A PICTURE OF THE CURVE! Or a way to buy it.. the exact one or an exact clone or as close to it as possible. PLEASE HELP!! I know I haven’t played in forever.. but I’m playing like absolute garbage. I expected my stamina to be terrible and some other things needing getting reaclimated to.. but this has been pathetic. And for someone who’s wrist and snap shot is what made me a threat on the rink.. this is just sad lol. Lastly, I’ve read other forums and topics on here and found some where they mention similar info.. but nothing concrete, no pictures.. and no way to achieve my goal in getting the blade or clone of it somehow. Email me if you like.. any help would be greatly appreciated. shadmurda@gmail.com Thanks for reading
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