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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by JC225

  1. Hey Langkow, I recently switched from the AS1's to the Bauer 1X's because I was having some of the same issues. I had some pretty bad cramps in the bottom of my feet but luckily I didn't get to the point of blistering the way you have. However I can tell you that it probably wouldn't have been to much longer before I did. After having them the better part of three months and trying to make them work, I was beginning to get a lot of heel movement and my feet were starting to get chaffed up pretty bad. I tried baking them a second time and even different lacing patterns to make the skates tighter and all that did was affect my circulation and make my feet go to sleep. The AS1's are extremely stiff and I think they are a great set of skates if you have the right foot for them but from the sounds of it, you might want to look elsewhere. If you are inclined to stay with CCM, the profile of the FT1 might give you that fit and lock you are looking for. Even though I was reluctant at first to make the switch to the Bauer 1X, It was the best thing I could have done. The Bauer 1X's offset and anatomical ankle design has made a huge difference in the way the skates fit my feet and because of that, I am able to get these skate to do much more for me. I would honestly use your "90 day satisfaction guarantee" and go back to the drawing board. Just a thought.
  2. Helmet: Bauer Re-Akt with Oakley Pro Modified Aviator Shoulders: Bauer Nexus 1N Elbows: Bauer Nexus 1N Shins: Bauer Nexus 1N Gloves: Bauer Vapor Pants: CCM HP32 Skates: Bauer Vapor 1X Stick: Broke last one yesterday and will be going to shop today for new one's but usually try and stay in the Nexus line.
  3. I had a set of the AS1's and they were pretty awesome! I think they have a bit of a different feel at first because of the slightly higher boot and of course the stiffness that comes with the one piece construction. Fast, responsive and comfortable all come to mind. I think if you have the right foot profile for them you will be more than happy with your purchase.
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