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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. Has anyone heard if there’s any truth too the prosharp home unit coming with a coarse wheel?
  2. Just an update. It’s definitely the steel. I let a buddy borrow them and he toe picked and almost faceplanted as well. He’s been using 272 steel for years. I guess this is why you don’t cut corners and throw a profile on a used older set of steel even if they look good. Not sure if there was a ton of pitch or balance point was moved way back on them. But they are no good. I skated on a new tydan quad zero last night and felt perfectly centered.
  3. Do u know what pitch the quad zero and quad one are?
  4. A stock quad profile does not have any pitch correct?
  5. That was my next question. I can swap my tuuk to the bigger 280 but I really love how my agility and edges feel. Just not the face plant. I don’t think the quickness is all a result of a better fitting boot but possible I guess. My opinion was the smaller tuuk.
  6. I was using a quad 2 on 280mm tuuk. I felt like I had too much toe on ice and couldn’t get my forward lean. Further review showed a poor blend on the toe. I went to a smoother blend and more material off toe with a quad 1 reproduce. This felt much much better. I recently was able to get prostock 8 3/4 skates which fit my foot like a glove compared to my size 9 ft1s. Problem is they had a 272mm tuuk. So again I got a quad 1. I skated on them tonight and toe picked at least 5 times. Felt almost too far forward. There is also a sharp point on the toe that is catching. Curious if I cross grind and blend that out if that will fix problem or is just me not being used to the shorter steel causing me to fall forward and toe pick? 
  7. I was using a quad 2 on 280mm tuuk. I felt like I had too much toe on ice and couldn’t get my forward lean. Further review showed a poor blend on the toe. I went to a smoother blend and more material off toe with a quad 1 reproduce. This felt much much better. I recently was able to get prostock 8 3/4 skates which fit my foot like a glove compared to my size 9 ft1s. Problem is they had a 272mm tuuk. So again I got a quad 1. I skated on them tonight and toe picked at least 5 times. Felt almost too far forward. There is also a sharp point on the toe that is catching. Curious if I cross grind and blend that out if that will fix problem or is just me not being used to the shorter steel causing me to fall forward and toe pick?
  8. Apology in advance if answered already but i skimmed and didn't find it. what is the turn around time to get one of these sticks? Also where do they ship from? And lastly is the P14 supposed to be the closest clone to what patrick kane actually uses? It appears to be missing a bit of that toe kink he added in the last year or so? Thanks in advance.
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