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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

the iceman

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Posts posted by the iceman

  1. Shame that the E-Pro isn't a very promising glove. I like Easton mitts and I was looking for something nice in that price range.

    How about the Stealth S11 glove? It looks pretty sharp, but I don't know anything about the actual quality of the glove. I saw that it was also at the MSH skate. Did any of you guys get a chance to check it out?

    I haven't seen the S11, but I have the seen the S17. The S17 is really nice. In my opinion, I would compare it to the style and fit of the One90 glove.

  2. Easton T-Flex system, at the time it seemed gimmicky but probably set the course or tapered shafts/blades we see today. Agree or disagree?

    Agreed. At the time tapered blades were damn hard to find. I thought it was going the way of the Betamax or Laserdisc.

  3. They had a retail Sakic S17 at the sale!?

    and it looks like all of Edler's XXXX gloves ended up with MSHers = P

    When I went on Friday, most of the S17s and Synergy SEs that were being brought out were retail patterns (Lidstrom, Sakic, Forsberg).

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