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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by gutta26

  1. I’ve been in pro stock Supreme 2S Pro’s for a while now which are quite stiff (getting broken down now though) and tried to switch to retail Ultrasonics a couple years ago but found them to be too soft. Do you think the stiffness of the Hzrdus would be comparable to my 2S Pro’s and the Catalyst the retail Ultrasonics? I live in Norway and there’s only one LHS I can go to and all they had in stock was the Hzrdus 9X. They felt closest to the stiffness I’m looking for, but it’s hard to tell without baking them. Also, does anyone know if the Catalyst or Hzrdus skates have the foam piece in the toe cap that can be pulled out that some True skates have had? I’m usually between two sizes but was only able to try on the smaller size and my toes were very hard up against the front in the Hzrdus. If baking doesn’t give me enough room I’m wondering if I could pull out that piece to get a bit of extra space.
  2. Hey everyone, first time posting here so I hope I’m doing this correctly. I play for a low-level pro (if you can even call it that) team in Norway. I’ve been teaching myself to use the team’s CAG One Speed One sharpener because our EQM is new to sharpening and we’ve had some issues with sharpening quality so I feel more comfortable learning to do it myself. I recently acquired a set of XC Blade runners which have different widths at the toe, center, and heel. The stone can only be dressed with the single-point diamond and the instruction manual says to measure and set the blade width before dressing. However, I’m not sure what width to set it at with the XC Blades. Should I set it at the width in the center of the blade which is the narrowest? Or the width of the heel which is the widest? Will setting the width incorrectly while dressing the stone have that much impact on the sharpening? The XC Blade website says they can be sharpened just like any other set of runners and they have an instructional video with a Pro Sharp machine, but nothing related to what I’m trying to figure out about the width setting on the CAG One. Also, the single-point diamond on the machine has been worn flat and looks like it’s down to the metal. I’m assuming it needs to be changed and our EQM just doesn’t know this? thanks in advance!
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