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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by JAY4114

  1. Oh wow I didn’t even know that existed thanks!
  2. What’s the actual lie of ccm’s p29? I was trying to line it up against some other brand and it seemed a lot lower. I tried it against a Ccm p28 and it seemed lower than that too. It seemed to be close to true’s lie 5 p92
  3. https://www.icewarehouse.com/CCM_Tacks_AS4_Pro_Stock_Patrice_Bergeron/descpage-CPSPB.html does this look like the curve you have?
  4. What stick do you have? I’m seeing an AS4 pro and a FT5 pro Im also gonna assume the curve will be similar since pros don’t like changing that much
  5. What curve did Bergeron use? Ice Warehouse has some of his sticks. It looks like it has the blade shape of a p88 but it seems to be a lot more opened.
  6. Ok thank you. Looks like I’m gonna get the saw out today
  7. Do you think it’s possible without cutting the extension off first?
  8. Is there anyway to remove a Bauer pro stock extension? I just bought a 2s pro xl and an Easton gx both dressed as hyperlites.
  9. Sorry to bring up an old thread. How did you get the tenon out?
  10. JAY4114


    How does this curve play? How open is it and where does the loft start? I’ve seen it described as a deeper toe based p88 but it looks way too open for that.
  11. This is a long shot but if anyone knows of a website with pro stock syncs or geos RH 70 flex P88 lmk please! I’ve checked all the well known sites like nmips, HSM, psh, hockeylion, DK’s, SLS Thanks in advance!
  12. Is it just where the insert is or throughout the blade? Also how does it compare to a sync?
  13. How much better is the 8's puck feel than the 7? Does that new insert give better feedback through the whole blade or just the heel? I'm using a 7 non pro right now and sometimes it is hard to tell where the puck is if it isn't on the heel. I never have that problem with nexus sticks.
  14. Does anyone know what the CCM EI geometry is? My best guess is an intermediate E
  15. How’s the lie of the p14 compared to a p88?
  16. Does the toe hook and rocker like the 90? From pictures it looks like it’s a little less of both. Also are you talking about the p90tm or the ccm’s pro stock p90?
  17. How’s the rocker and openness compared to the p90tm?
  18. I was actually thinking of buying a lower end true to test the curve and hopefully get better durability than their higher end models. Is the lie actually a 6 or does it feel lower? I’ve read both from other places.
  19. Is it flatter around heel and mid of the blade? Also is the toe as rockered as the p28? I didn’t mind that curve as much besides the openness
  20. What is the rocker like on a Bauer p14 curve? I usually gravitate towards flatter rockers which is why I use a p88 but I would like something more open. The p90tm wasn’t bad but I felt like the toe was too high sometimes
  21. How are the rockers on the p14 and the w71? I prefer the rocker on a p88 and both of these look flatter than a p92.
  22. I think my issue was p92 was too high of a lie and p28/p90tm pocket was too close to the toe and I’m used to stick handling on the middle or heel of the blade. Is the p14’s pocket as close to the toe as the p28?
  23. As in the rocker is flatter?
  24. I’m not worried about that. I can get it in my specs atm and it’ll help me not buy a new stick every couple months lol
  25. How is the rocker and openness of the curve compared to the p88 and p90tm? I don’t like rockers like p92 and p28 but I want to try to find something in between the other 2
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