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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Kevbeau

  1. Sorry man. Had the same thing happen to my dog last year. Thought he was the epitome of health. Took him in cause he didn't eat touch his food two days in a row. Next thing you know, he had cancer in his throat & lungs. I felt like garbage...why didn't I notice it before? Doc tries to help by saying, "animals have an incredible pain tolerance & instincively hide anything that might make them appear weak."...I still felt like garbage. Our surgery/chemo scenario was similar. I don't give a $*** about the money, but didn't want to see my buddy suffer for the rest of his life. Chemo and other aggresive treatments are tough for dogs. They have no idea why they're going through it or why they can't run/play/etc. Not much you can do but be his best friend.
  2. Went out for some sticktime on Friday. First time on skates since mid-July. Overall wasn't too bad. Almost no pain and little swelling. If anything, my back hurt more than my ankle :) . Also had some scar irritation, but not too bad. Took it easy, didn't push the ankle and stayed out of the corners. I did have difficulty crossing over to the right side both forwards and backwards. My right ankle is still weaker than the left and it's definitely noticeable when all my weight is transferred to the outside edge of my skate. Was also a little weird thinking about skating as opposed to just "doing it." But....having said all that, it felt great to get back out there!
  3. Thanks guys for the recovery updates. I busted mine (spiral fracture of my right fibula) back at the end of July and had three screws put in on August 1st and it's been killing me not to skate. I'm doing well with therapy to the point to where I can start skating on my own and should be ready for game contact sometime in December (fingers crossed). The thing of it all is I broke it only doing a quick change of direction stop. No contact, just rolled the ankle and went down like a sack of bricks.
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