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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. Blades are the same. There is no right or left. You can’t make a mistake 👍
  2. Gold: 12-14-8.65 toe powercut: 10’ - 10.75blend - 12.5center-10.75blend - 10’ Atomic K - that one they don’t advertise but I can say it is non conventional at the toe to promote good acceleration. gold / powercut/ apex is on their Instagram.
  3. Ya I hear you. I’ll see if we can work something out 👍
  4. Sad they lie about their work to bring in more business. I’m going to give Tyler a call myself. To get the 981Quad Hybrid profile you can mail them to me in Windsor (LaSalle Ontario) CompetitiveEdgeHockey.ca or at LaSalle Skate Shop inside the Vollmer arena in LaSalle I do a bunch of Profile design for Blackstone and used to help Skatescribe out with some work. I did all their surface finish analysis that was presented at the NHL equipment managers conference over the last 2 years.
  5. No, it is not the same. 100% untrue. You got sold the closest thing they had. I truly hope they are not promoting this and selling it as you said. Gold Profile is: 12’ heal - 14’ Center - 8.65 toe Quad Hybrid is a profile that I morphed the 981 and the OMNI Quad in CAD to have the same amount of rocker as a quad, but with a glide surface in the middle for speed that came from the 981 (or CAG) but a lot shorter. It has a 16’ glide surface (not 14’) and it is about 1/2” the length compared to the Gold profile. The toe tapers from the 16’ quickly down to 12’ then slowly tapers to the toe where it is 7’ It’s not a fixed radius so the radius slowly changes or “tapers down”. The heal tapers from the 16’ to 12’ then tapers to 13’ at the back. CompetitiveEdgeHockey.ca is where you can see a picture showing the real 981Quad hybrid profile.
  6. No, not close at all. The profile is continuously variable from the glide surface. That is 16 foot slowly tapers down as you move along the length of a blade to the toe. That is more like an ellipse than anything else. But with a shorter Glide surface. It is the max edge, 981 and an Omni Quad morphed together in CAD. That is what the quad hybrid is. But also designed for each size blade. Smaller sizes. Have shorter glide surfaces. Longer blades have longer glide surfaces.
  7. Junior 1-3. Standard 4-6 Large 7-10 fly-x and Fly-ti steel are still advertised as 10ft stock profile on the Bauer website.
  8. Yes they have 3 sizes for the Polaris. It’s the spacing of the 4 radii that is different. Junior has those 4 section smaller and closer together. Large has 4 sections that are longer and further apart to place the radii in the correct locations. It’s good design. prosharp matched the overall rocker, Which destroys a small blade. Example a 3XS is a 4-5-7-10. So smaller blades got tighter radii. That is so bad…. As far as acceleration goes, they are similar. But I tell people if they want improved acceleration, hit the gym. 😂
  9. Polaris is better than the Quad 0 on a 272 blade for sure. The Quad 0 cuts off too much of the toe.
  10. I went right back to my 981 Quad hybrid. Faster, more agile and more balance with the glide surface under the Center of the blade. I also cut an Ellipse II for my 272 blades with 40mm back of cl. That moves the flattest ppont on the ellipse profile roughly in the same area as the Polaris. It skates smoother than the Polaris for sure. But still not a super fast profile.
  11. I do. I stock Bladetech steel in Black DLC, Mirror polished, and Gold for the powerfly holder. It’s great steel. Sharpens really well. The steel has a High chromium content so it never rusts even if you put your skates away wet. (Great for kids)
  12. Find a pitch that he likes and try and stick with it. P1-4 is where I usually like setting my pitch for different people. P5 is getting pretty extreme in my opinion. Any change in Pitch will take a bit to get acclimated. The change from P5 to P0 will be very different / strange for the skater the first couple times out. Keep in mind if you’re going from a pitch of P5 to a pitch of P0, you’re taking off almost 1mm of steel at the heal, So you’re not going to get many sharpenings out of your blades. You should get at least 50-100 sharpenings out of a set of blades.
  13. First off, I like the Gold profile a lot. You can get it with any pitch you want. A -P2 -P3 or -P4 pitch is not normal though. And I don’t think anyone would recommend that. It probably got changed by bad Sharpening over time. A Good manual sharpener will look at your blade and notice that right away. He probably had almost 0.5- 1mm more steel height at the toe depending on the length of the blade. So good call getting it fixed to a +P2. That’s not that extreme. Go with it, and he’ll adapt quickly.
  14. You can duplicate it. Sure, But you won’t know what the profile is. So in a few months or a year of sharpening, that profile will be lost and you won’t know what to profile to next year.
  15. CompetitiveEdgeHockey.ca exclusive profile to them. Nothing to do with Prosharp. DM me for more info
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