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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Ellipsing

  1. I have ellipse zero on ultrasonics and getting true customs soon. Im gonna try the 20mm pitch first then go down to 15 then 10. As stock pro sharp profiles have 20mm pitch built in. Ill update this thread after trying. But im sure the holders higher pitch is going to be noticeable. I skated back to back tf9s and ultrasonics. The tf9s feel like skating in high heels. Will take some testing to dial in. If that doesnt work put tuuks on and go.
  2. Went from quad 0 to zuperior small Then tried ellipse 1 and zero Ellipse zero is by far the best profile ive tried. You can feel the elliptical profiling when turning. Its not even close in my opinion. Ultrasonic size 7 263 mm. Im getting true customs in a few weeks and Ill see how the profile responds to the higher pitched holder. But so far ellipse zero is it. Dont even try ellipse 1 imo it feels like a turning a barge
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