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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. Didn't have the best experience with ProStockHockey. Had a blade scanned for some custom sticks but when the sticks came they weren't the same. Back in the day I used to get a dozen wooden Gretzky blades from Easton every two years or so and the blade I sent was that pattern. I'm pretty pissy about my sticks so I know what I want and the scan that was done was exact (I kept the scan). Somewhere in between something went sideways: sticks showed up with a slightly different curve and different rocker. Plus when I was waiting I needed a stick and they just started offering the Datsyuk (which I had used and liked) so I ordered one. It was indicated that the scan would be a CCM Ultra Tacks Pro Stock which is what I wanted but the stick was different when it was delivered. Some back and forth emails and then it finally came out that it wasn't Datsyuk's Ultra Tacks he was using but the Ribcor, which are two different sticks. I know a lot of people love this guy and his sticks and good on them but I found the experience greasy. He seems to be doing pretty well and I'm sure he could give a damn about my problem but I'm still out a ton of cash.
  2. Thanks anyway. I bought one of their Datsyuk sticks and while he did make the copy from an Ultra Tacks model which is exactly what I am looking for by the time it came from China there had been a disconnect somewhere as there had been a change to the curve.
  3. I am looking for a Datsyuk CCM Pro Stock stick. I used one of his CCM Ultra Tacks which had a very low lie (4) but I can't find any old ones anymore. I found a Reebok Ribcor online with his nickname "Pasha" on it and while the curve looks the same, the lie does not. I have read some older posts here that says he had switched to a higher lie. Any help would be appreciated.
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