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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by metalDAN

  1. Haha yikes, I hope not! Are top-of-the-line clap skates even built like that?
  2. Hockey. He’s currently working as a skating coach with the Kings and was citing all of these players who still worry about skate pain and skate performance. Said the boot would be similar fit to the Mako IIs with improved holders/runners to alleviate hip/groin/core strains. I’m so curious as to what these skates will be
  3. Cross-posting from r/hockeyplayers but had to share— Dave Cruikshank was on a podcast discussing his career and his work with MX and Easton and shared that he’s started a new skate company (D’Cosi) that will be producing skates similar— but better?— to the Mako IIs in the next year or so: So I was listening to a couple interviews with Dave Cruikshank (man behind the Easton Makos), and it turns out that he is developing a new hockey skate with his newly formed company (D'Cosi). Mentions that it should come out in the next year. You can check out the interviews and the discussion on hockey skates here: 9:55 mark: https://youtu.be/yYh8Zinsaws?t=590 32:50 mark: https://youtu.be/yYh8Zinsaws?t=1970 13:45 mark: https://youtu.be/Ls47f3VQkME?t=825 Big fan of the Mako IIs. Hopefully the new D'Cosi skates looks aesthetically-pleasing as well and not like a frankenstein skate like the MLXs. https://www.reddit.com/r/hockeyplayers/comments/11vpwsi/easton_mako_creator_dave_cruikshank_developing/
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