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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Tony9

  1. I believe I read it on this forum in the past ..... Kucherov is slightly closed, Pasta is slightly more open curve, BUT they both are VERY similar to the P28. I like the Kucherov pattern, the shorter blade length & the blade shape (beveled bottom toe) .... I was coming from a P92, a P88 yrs before that, PM9 many yrs previous to that. This over over 20 yrs mind you, I love the P28 now, so easy to use for myself. You have to adapt & trying new things often takes time. I use to be 70 flex, but go with 77 now. I've not seen a Pasta curve in person. Again, likely VERY similar to the P28. (my current sticks) - 2NPROXL build 👍🏽 ..... dressed as a SYNC (college pro stock), tactile grip, the blade has the KUCH stamped from the mold itself ......$200 after ship/tax. I assume most people on this forum "know" that ya pay the $100 extra for a retail stick (warranty). Pro teams do not pay retail prices, 2 yrs ago an NHL EQ man told me they pay $200 for sticks, no team gets a "deal" over another team. (This NHL team sells off old inventory to PSH) ..... $100 per stick, this makes it easy for the EQ man to unload extra inventory (and they have a lot of extra inventory at seasons end). The "pro stock" stick market has taken off the past ten (?) years.
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