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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by egmorin

  1. You are correct. It does just that and works well....just the diamond arc is not centered on the side of the disk....and I cant figure out how to get it adjusted right.
  2. Edit all you want if it helps me 🙂 . It almost looks like its missing 2 diamond shaped spacers/shims under the backside of the arm where the arm apparatus slides left and right...above the spring bolt. You may be correct in saying the diamond arm looks bent...but its cast iron and totally solid. It would have to take a lot of torque to bend that. Pivoting the arm moves smoothly...its just not centered on the edge of the disk. Here is the ONLY footage I've found on line to date and hence why it may be a "fleming gray" older make: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IbAG2hXbu18 It doesn't look too old in the video and has the same action as mine. Would be nice to get this thing working 😞
  3. Hey vet88,

    You seem to know your stuff about the sharpening...if I can direct you to my post, it would be appreciated if you could give me some insight. I have recently found out its a Flemming...https://modsquadhockey.com/forums/topic/75240-old-skate-sharpner/

    I hope my link works. If not, please reach out to me.


  4. Hey vet88,

    You seem to know your stuff about the sharpening...if I can direct you to my post, it would be appreciated if you could give me some insight. I have recently found out its a Flemming...https://modsquadhockey.com/forums/topic/75240-old-skate-sharpner/

    I hope my link works. If not, please reach out to me.


  5. Hey pappa,

    you seem to know your stuff about the Flemming gray...if I can direct you to my post, it would be appreciated if you could give me some insight. I have recently found out its a Flemming...https://modsquadhockey.com/forums/topic/75240-old-skate-sharpner/

    I hope my link works. If not, please reach out to me.


  6. I just purchased an old skate sharpener. I should have done this years ago. Hope you can see the pics. Anyone recognize this make or model? I cant seem to lower the diamond arm to shape the disk correctly. The diamond seems to have only one range of motion and the disk is too high to center the diamond on the disks edge. The diamond in the picture is at its most level to the ground. As you can see, its at the bottom edge of the disk vs mid disk. Any insight to using and setting this thing would be appreciated. Please view pics here as I cant seem to add them to the "insert image URL", sorry. imgur.com/gallery/old-skate-sharpener-help-NGNiXjV
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