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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by TBLfan

  1. Hahaha eventually! I honestly didn't doubt you would, you're not the kind of guy that leaves people out in the rain. You'll shiv a mutha but never in the rain. :P

    You were right about the one95s, they got beat-up quickly but haven't gotten any worse since.. and that was back when we were at RDV with Gilroy. :)

  2. Jamie does shoot the wrong way. You must mean Jason.

    I was just going by the pics that TBL posted on IW, sites down but it said Jamie but it was labeled wrong actually.

    Yeah, it is Jason Allison. The picture I had was mislabeled and I didn't really think to fix it, so yeah... whoops, my bad.

  3. Seriously, if you've gone through four pairs of skates trying to find one that fits... you need an alternative.

    I would rather spend the money on gas to Orlando to see JR but since he's no longer doing the custom skate thing... I'd be going to Jersey to see Darkstar50 or Toronto to see oldtrainerguy28.

  4. lol, but I only have one! I don't even know why I keep standard shafts. :huh:

    I was wondering cause im trying to find a player that uses something close to a retail Iginla, is there anyone that uses something like it?

    There aren't many, mostly you'll find heel curves and the mids tend to be rather deep and/or open(P92/Sakic-ish). M. Ryder uses something similar to what you'd like, I really can't think of any more... Maybe Mellanby.

  5. sounds like somebody is planning to do one of these:

    what a ballsy move. i love it though, i give the guy props for having that big of a pair. and now he has an awesome story to tell. totally worth it.

    i wonder if someone dared him to do it cause he looks like he dont skate much.

    During the lockout Cory Sarich, Nolan Pratt, Chris Dingman and Dave Andreychuk would get together with some USF hockey alumni and have a closed half-ice pickup with a couple high-level goalies. One time a girl opens the door and Chris Dingman skates over, he chats with her a bit and comes back to the bench. Andy asks him what she wanted...

    Dingman: "Uhhh, she wanted to know if she could skate with us"

    Andy: "And you said?.."

    Dingman: "I uhhh said ok"

    The entire group: "Aargh, why the hell did you do that?!"

    Dingman: "I didn't want to be mean."

    She didn't realize who everyone was and she... well she wasn't good. She skated a bit, gave up and left. :lol:

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