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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by Ti-girl

  1. CCM Vector 6.0 Skates (Sr) (size 7D)

    Reveiwer background

    Age 22, LW 5'7, 145lb female player, playing Tier 2/1 hockey as well as playing men's rec hockey. Power skate twice a week. I'm on the ice usually 4-5 times per week.

    I've had Nike skates (when they first came out) as well as Mission Betty flyweighys. I broke the Nike skates in about 3 weeks, broke the front of the toe and broke the steel. The Mission's didn't last much better seeing as I broke the stabalizer bar in within a month of playing, durability is obviously a big thing for me.


    I got the skates three days before I played a tournament. I got them baked and walked around my house in them for about a day. They, by far, are the most comfortable skates I've worn. They really hold my ankles in without the pressure points. I have a very narrow heel and a very narrow achille's tendon area and the skate holds it in very well without being too tight.



    My last few skates have died because of busted steel, busted toe caps or busted holders. I thought the look of the holder was a little "off" but whatever, I tried them out. They've lasted so far a year with just some scratches and one big gouge taken out, but nothing is broken and it doesn't affect my skating at all.



    Can't say that I've had a problem with the weight of the skate. I noticed a difference when I first started skating on them, but now I don't notice anything, which is probably a good thing.

    The protection is great. I have some scratches on the front of the toe and a few black puck marks on the skate, but nothing severe. I blocked 5 shots one shift last weekend and my foot hurts, but not too bad, just aches a bit.



    Like I said, I go through skates like water. In three seasons before I bought these I had gone through 3 different pairs of skates. I've had these skates now for just over a season and they're still in one piece. There are a few scratches, scrapes and what not but in all reality the skate are still in one piece, including the blade holders and the toe caps that seem to go first.



    Thumbs up for the skate lock! I love it! For our warm ups I skate around without the top three eyelets tied up. They're PERFECT!



    The skates are awesome. I paid the same amount that I paid for the Betty Flyweights and they've lasted for a lot longer than what the Missions did. They're comfortable and I can wear them for 4 or 5 days a week.


  2. Yeah well around here, in Stupid Alberta Canada, it's only guys hockey that matters.

    My latest "experience" was getting told that I should be using a Right handed stick instead of a Left handed stick.

    I was ready to scream. I've shot lefthanded my whole life, know how to do it and physically can't shoot right. And if a guy came in, would they do to a guy?

    Probably not.

  3. Well here in town I got to a hockey store and I usually get what I want and the people here are great, but then again, I don't ask them stupid questions.

    A few weeks ago I went to Calgary and I was looking for a new pair of hockey pants so I say "Okay Im looking for new pants, I need a spine protector so don't bother bringing out any others."

    Then the guy looks at me and goes "Why would you need a spine protector, you play girls hockey right?"

    "Yeah, but I still need it, it's no checking not no contact."

    "Well, its girls hockey, what does it matter?"

    "It matters."

    "Okay fine."

    "You know what, don't worry about it."

    "We have these..." *shows me the cheap $30 pants*

    "Don't worry about it."

    So I went back to my old store and bought the new Nike pants. Jerks. Just because I'm a girl don't think that I don't know what I'm talking about.

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