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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. I don't bring my extra stick to the bench for pick-up...if I happen to break something, a pick up game isn't important enough to where I can't just get off the ice and grab my spare stick. I've had the same thing happen in the past with people using my stick, so that's a simple solution.
  2. 70k is nothing to brag about. My Volvo has 153,000 and looks almost new. Gotta love the reliability of foreign cars. got all of you beat...165k miles on my '97 Mazda 626, and thats with it being off the road since september while I'm ata school We've got 2 Volvos pushing 200K, still running nice and strong.
  3. quick question...will lower end skates in a line fit the same as the higher end skates? (ie 5k and 9k)
  4. I also need skate with a narrower heel, and the ones I have been looking at are Graf 703/G3, Rbk 9k, and I have also heard that Eastons fit narrower in the heel...although I think I am just going to get customs at this point. If you fit pretty well into a standard bauer, and have a narrower-regular foot overall, then the 703 or G3 would probably work pretty well...but of course you should try them before you buy.
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