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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Ngo_35

  1. If the three times a year pond skaters are too lazy to dry off blades after skating, no way they will do that. I was going to say, that would require customers doing something useful to protect their equipment. Honestly no matter what kind of condition the blades are in, I still take it personally when someone hands me a wet pair of skates. Ahmen to that brother. It don't take a whole lot to dry your damn blades as a courtesy to the sharpener. I just feel like throwing the skates back at the customer, but of course that will never happen.
  2. Don't forget the carbon blades covered in rust from a whole summers worth of marinating in a bag. Who knows what else grows on the blade.
  3. The Cag one will not round off your heel and toe. If you really want to see what 25/45 looks like then you have to place your blade on a flat surface. When its on the flat surface you can "tilt" the blade back and fourth seeing that the mid-front part of your blade has more contact with the surface than the mid-back part of the blade. If you find it very difficult to tell you may have to run it through the cag again.
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