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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by leafsrule1

  1. Im getting my 05' Stealth returned today. Any chance i get an 06' back?
  2. Whats the weight of the Synergy II shaft? The blade is 145 grams right?
  3. How do you tell the difference between a 04 and 05 Stealth because i know the 04s had that handle defect and i think they fixed that in 05
  4. When should we expect to see the CNT Stealths in store. The Synergy II is on epuck and so is the Synergy 350 so maybe Spring or what? I think they all look sick (the good sick). Whats a price guess on a Stealth CNT?
  5. sounds good how much are they going to retail for?
  6. judging by a few commments the 8ks arnt in the top 4 or 5 lightest?
  7. how light and stiff did they feel?
  8. because of all these new reebok topics with arrival of new reebok stuff i was wondering if anyone has, or atleast tried the 8k skates? if someone has ill ask my questions
  9. thanks JR, easton has a very well presented cataloge, lots of goodies.
  10. helmet-bauer 5000 shoulder- easton old school elbow-easton synergy pants-easton synergy shins-easton ultra air skates-easton Air sbx gloves- easton z-air jock- ITECH!!! i think thats everything, and if it isnt i think u can guess...
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