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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. Thanks for sharing! Congrats and prayers!
  2. I broke my tib and fib a few years back, plates on both. So, what you are experiencing is normal and part of the process. I used a pair of Reebok skates at first - wide and a soft pump, then went back to my normal Bauer skates a few months later when all the swelling and soreness decreased. As for having the plates out, I had the fib plate out, as it bothered me on the outside of the ankle. Tib plate is still in place. Just for reference, I was walking/skating at 3 months, hockey at 4 months.
  3. Too bad about your break. I broke my fibula and tibia about 3 years ago, and was cleared for skating about 8 weeks out, hockey at 12 weeks. I had two plates, 1 for the fibula like you, 1 for tibia. I had a split cast for 10 days, then a boot. Non weight bearing for 4 weeks, then slowing full bearing until 8 weeks. Usually the plate is put in to ensure healing and speed recovery. You can have it out down the line if it bothers you. I had my fibula plate out, but the tibia plate is still in there. In fact, took a shot recently right at the exact tibia break spot - all is fine. Good luck with recovery.
  4. Cool. How does it compare with the One90 girdle in terms of fit, bulky, heavy, etc.?
  5. Vapor girdle? Is this a totally new product, or a re-brand of something else? I think the concept of the adjustable thighs is a good idea, but it looks bulky. Anybody have a chance to actually see a pair in person?
  6. I went with the 5k after my leg break. Comfy with the pump.
  7. yeah....my ankle is wider with the two plates in there, causing skate fiting to be trouble. I went with 9k, using the pumps to help with the difference. Seems to be good so far.
  8. sorry to hear about your injury. I agree with the answers above, and will add to #3, as I just went to the orthopedic surgeon about my two plates (fibia/tibula). The tibula plate would require surgery and recovery time (4 weeks) for full clearance. It also doesn't solve all issues that a person might have....only 30% of the time it helps I was told. The fibia plate could come right out in the doctor office, as it's close to the surface, has very small screws, and is not load bearing. Good luck with your recovery. I will add that I did tons and tons of research, and realize that almost every situation is different. From types of sugery, breaks, PT, recover, person type, plates, casts, etc. So many variables. Just stick to the plan from the doctor.
  9. Sorry to hear about your troubles.....I am going to use your story as a comparison example though. My story is different in that I broken my fibula like you, but also crushed my tibia. fibula plate is about 4", and tibia plate is about 8"....with 16 screws total. 2 weeks after surgery, I was in a boot and starting PT. 4 weeks later, 50% weight, 4 weeks later 100%, 4 weeks later totally cleared for sports/hockey. About 3 months total.....and each doctor check-up was just a check to make sure the bone was healing, but it was all about the plates and time with the healing. Now, compare that with your story of a broken fibula and 5-6 months to skate. Big difference without the plates....you have to totally wait for the bone to heal on its own.
  10. I had the same Sherwood stick and blade.......and went through the same selection process a few months back. I went with the Easton Synergy ST Forsberg...I believe the lie is 5 - and it feels the same to me.........
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