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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Sprungster

  1. The Wicked 1s (not an ice boot in an ice boot moment) skated great at W. Covina using Genesis wheels. Totally reliable and predictable. Laced tight to the instep and tied off, leaving the top three eyelets open. Solid. The (very inexpensive) Tours are like super stiff Chucks. They're four ounces less per boot than the Wickeds. Laced up tight, like the old school boots they resemble so much, they allow a lot of use of your feet. Hardcore sprinting crossovers on the front two wheels of the skates. With two pairs of socks, the puck hits didn't do damage. Also on Genesis wheels. Light and Wild. The ice 7K Pumps are a good example of better boot for the buck. These are great boots with just the right amount of give at the top around the cuff, so there's no dig. They're Stiff, Light and Comfortable. The 70s are as stiff as the Wickeds and RBKs, yet still feel sort of like the Tours. Wowsers. The Grafs fit me and I still sent them off to their rightful owner. Tough moment. The Fuels were great right of the box. I had a bunch of Flys. My first test boot after the Externos. Everybody used them for two years and they're still out there.
  2. Each time I go to Shenzhen, I hock everybody that will sit still (and maybe understand me) about getting roller hockey started in China. The company that manufactures my frames actually had a guy come in and meet with me about it, I gave him as many links like courts and walls and equipment companies as I could, Also gave him the Mission/Tour start em small and grow em good concept. I think there's around 30 zillion athletic types in China, so there's probably a few that could play roller hockey. They certainly get competitive FAST. Whenever I'm there I put on my hockey skates and tool around my hotel. Definitely draws some attention. My latest hotel was by a river so I could skate along this beautiful walkway over a bridge and back on the othe side. Lotsa fun. Skating on the streets there is like trying to get to the goal through a bunch of excellent defensmen I also like to skate through my factory, but it stops the work going on. I used to have a small pair there and guys that wanted could try em. First time skaters were often doing tight fig 8s in a few minutes. The skates got snatched, so somebody's out there skating.
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