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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About msander

  • Birthday 09/08/1985

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  1. I tried out the 90/75 today. I'm typically on 5/8 to 3/4 on a regular sharpening. The skates felt great when I first got on the ice. Really nice bite going through turns and good glide, however, when I first went to do an aggressive stop they had way too much bite! It felt like I was going to do an ankle breaker and fall over! The problem was less noticeable as time went on. I'm assuming this was because I adjusted somewhat. I'm wondering if this is a sign that I should try out 90/50? Is there a really noticeable difference or is the feeling of having a lot of bite when stopping just something that's typical of the FBV? Thanks.
  2. The Hockey Shop in Surrey is the only store in the lower mainland I believe.
  3. In case anyone in the lower mainland is curious, I found out that the hockey shop in Surrey has the FBV. It's $10 though, which is twice the cost of their regular sharpenings.
  4. I really wish someone would get this around Vancouver! I'm dying to try it out, but can't think of when I'll be off the ice long enough to mail out my steel.
  5. Sorry for what I'm sure is a stupid question...but can the FBV only be done using a blackstone machine? I'm pretty certain that my LHS uses blademaster, but I'd love to talk to them about doing the FBV if it's at all possible.
  6. Any word of people around the lower mainland of British Columbia, or Vancouver Island offering this? I was going to send my blades away to "Canoebears" (MSH member) who's here in BC, but I'm leaving to visit family on the island for Xmas tomorrow and haven't heard from him yet. Thanks, SAK.
  7. SAK, Do you know of anywhere else that might be closer. Salmon Arm is a good 5+ hour drive from Vancouver.
  8. Anywhere stores around Vancouver, BC that a person could try out the FBV?
  9. I know on their website they don't have the 2.1 steel, but they do have LS2 Power steel. Seeing as the 2.1 steel is the same as the LS2P steel wouldn't that work, or is it just the runner portion that is identical but the mounting area is different?
  10. Well you certainly had a better vantage point then I did. The TV replays didn't show anything, but there was about 6 bodies in the crease at that point. By the way, thanks for clearing up one thing for me. I could not for the life of me, figure out how that puck ended up in the net, lol. I was actually supposed to be at all of the Mem Cup games, but our med/dent program unfortunately has exams that start in late May so the focus is on books not hockey. My friends that are there, however, said they really enjoyed watching you play, particularly in your first game.
  11. Did any of you who are saying the refs blew it at the end of the game even watch? If you see the replays you can clearly see that nobody put their hand over top of the puck. I can see that maybe about a second should have been put back on the clock, and a faceoff taken, but that's hardly blowing the game. Perron didn't really throw a punch at Sexsmith at the end of the game either. As the buzzer went he was in the crease kind of jamming away with his stick and fell into Sexsmith. Tyson then sort of gave him the backside of the head facewash with his trapper, and when Perron got up he kind of just threw a glove hand towards him. It was nothing to write home about. The game on the other hand was quite good. Despite only a 2-1 score, it was very exciting. I agree with the poster who said Bernier kept Lewiston in the game. The giants had an incredible number of good chances in that 3rd period. Very good game.
  12. David, I hope you have a good mem cup, however, I will be cheering for the Giants to take you guys apart!
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