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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  • Interests
    Hockey, Lacrosse, biking, boating, fishing, skimboarding, -all that active stuff<br><br>-and my favourite hockey team is anyone... but the Canucks
  • Location
    Vancouver, BC, Canada

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  1. I think the gloves look fine, they'll probably perform well.
  2. UPDATE As I mentioned my SL Was going to break, it did... So I got A Warrior Mac Daddy - I call it the giant highlighter...
  3. Thats true. I got a mac Daddy over A dolomite. Maybe it's the florecent yellow/ green that turns them off the stick. I'd have to admit, it does look alot like a highlighter...
  4. Helmet- RBK 8K (yellow/black)- Super light, comfy, not to mention... A very sexy looking helmet. Cadge (im in midget)- Itech RBE III black ext/white int. Sholder Pads- Itech 4495- comfy, protective, versitile, my LHS' gold choice award... Elbow Pads- Nike V10s- comfy, but I'd rather have a three piece... Pants- Easton Stealth S7, or Stealth 777, (whatever theyre called now)... Shinguards- Bauer 8000's, Comfy, but I have to pull them up sometimes socks- nike dri-fits....theyre amazing!! Gloves- Bauer Vapour XX's -Excruciatingly Comfy, flexible, Stretchpalm! Skates- Vapour Shifts - 3rd pair of them, no Break in, Superfeet, and best bang for your buck under the one 70's... STICK- SYNERGY SL Sweet feel, Grip, Unfortunatley almost ready to see a synthesis blade being shoved down its throat...
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