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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by Scurvy

  1. Update:

    Skates: Nike Bauer Supreme One90

    Shins: Nike Bauer Supreme 10

    Pant: Rbk 5k

    Shoulder: Nike Bauer Supreme One90

    Elbow: Rbk 9k (just picked them up)

    Neck: Itech N-8

    Gloves: 13" Nike Bauer 4 rolls (just picked up), 13" Vapor XXX

    Helmet: Nike Bauer 5500 w/ Itech Optech FX50

    Sticks: (3) Pro Stock XXX Lite Hemsky

  2. I'll update my stuff:

    Helmet: NB 5500 w/ Itech Optech FX 50

    Neck: Itech N-8

    Shoulder: Synergy 500

    Elbow: Nike V-11

    Pant: Rbk 5k

    Shin: Vic 350 pro

    Glove: Vapor XXX

    Sticks: XXX Lite, CNT Stealth Grip, TPS Response Plus, Synergy SL

    Skate: Nike Bauer Supreme One90 (just got them), CCM Vector Pro

  3. Product: Bauer Vapor XXX 13" Black

    Fit: The XXX glove has a looser fit than the XX but not overly loose. The cuff is wide and does not impede wrist movement. Overall, the comfort was very high as I prefer a more loose fit than an overly snug one. 10/10

    Protection: With the plastic inserts, these gloves provide very good protection. While they may not provide the protection of the XX, it is still very good. After taking occasional shots off the glove, I barely felt anything. 9/10

    Weight: Being a nylon glove, it is exceptionally light. You barely notice that you're wearing them. 10/10

    Mobility: The flexible nylon, 3 piece index finger, and segmented fingers provide fantastic mobility. Also, the thumb lock is very mobile and thumb movements are well-controlled. I have never used any glove that provided this much mobility. After wearing these gloves for awhile, a lot of other gloves' fingers feel stiff and uncomfortable. 10/10

    Palm: The XXX uses a very thin nash palm to allow for superior performance. Even though the palm isn't extremely durable, the feel you get with it is unlike anything I've used. The feel on your stick is much more responsive and I've never had had no issue with the grip. 10/10

    Durability: The glove's durability is very good. The palms do not have any holes after an entire season and the glove is in great condition. I'll probably be using these gloves for a long time. I still have both my replacement palms and don't think I'll be using them soon. 8.5/10

    Update** 6/13/07 Once my season ended, I have gone to numerous drop-in sessions (2-3 times weekly). To my surprise, the palms are still holding up well and there is wear but no sign of holes.

    Update** 11/08/07 I finally re-palmed my top hand. However, my bottom hand's palm still has a lot of life and I still have another replacement palm. This glove has completely exceeded my expections and I hope the XXXX can raise the bar even higher.

    Update** 3/19/08 After re-palming my top hand in November, a hole is already forming. This was surprising considering that it took far longer for holes to form in the original palms installed in the glove. I have lowered the durability rating of the glove by one point.

    Conclusion: Although the XXX is a very pricey glove, it is well worth the money. The glove offers so much in the factors of performance, weight, and durability. There is no break-in time and is very comfortable. This is a fantastic glove and I recommend it to all players. Overall, this is easily the best glove I've ever used and I''ll probably end up buying another pair. 10/10

  4. Product: Easton Synergy SL / Sakic (P3) / 65 Flex Intermediate / Right-handed

    Other sticks used: XXX Lite, CNT Stealth, Response Plus, Vector 100, Ultra Lite

    Blade: With the addition of CNT, the blade is very stiff and thin. This makes for a nice, responsive feel. However, it doesn't feel as crisp or responsive as the XXX Lite or CNT Stealth. 9.5/10

    Flex: The flex on the SL is decent. The problem with the flex is the kickpoint location. From my experience, the kickpoint feels more like a mid-kickpoint as its kickpoint isn't as low as a stick like the XXX Lite. 8/10

    Stickhandling/Receiving Passes: In short, this was the highlight of the stick for me. Deking is effortless and passes don't bounce off the blade too much. Believe it or not, the SL is the easiest stick I've ever used for stickhandling. 10/10

    Shooting: As I stated above, the flex point is not where I really like it. Snap shots are very good, slappers are decent but the wristers seem to be lacking. Since I'm mainly a wrist, snap shot person, the absence of a wrist shot is very deterimental to my game. 7/10

    Weight/Balance: Without tape, the SL feels very light and well balanced. After applying my usual amount of tape, the complete opposite occurred. The balance became horrible and the weight greatly increased. The stick is listed as 395 grams (Int.) but felt well over 500 grams. I had to remove tape from the blade to make it feel slightly less blade heavy. The weight and balance did not live up to my expectations as heavier sticks I have used did not feel as blade heavy. 4/10

    Durability: Contrary to belief, my SL seems perfectly fine for durability. As I'm not hard on sticks, my SL has lasted over 4 months and is holding up great. The blade has not chipped as easily as I thought and the shaft is intact. Aside from the paint chipping, durability isn't as bad as I had predicted. 9.5/10

    Conclusion: Coming from a XXX Lite and CNT Stealth, the SL does not even come close in comparison. With a fairly hefty price tag, I advise others to pay the extra $20-30 and get a XXX Lite or CNT Stealth. The latter shoot much better, have very good feel, and are not nearly as blade heavy as the SL.

    Overall: 7/10

  5. 2006 Nike Bauer Vapor XXX Lite

    Int. (70-72 flex after cutting)

    P92 Naslund

    Other sticks used: Easton Ultra Lite, CCM Vector 100, TPS Response Plus, Easton Synergy SL, CNT Stealth Grip, Warrior Dolomite, Nike Bauer One90, Easton Synergy SE

    Initial impressions:

    On the ice, I have to admit that the stick'um takes a little getting used to. However, after 5 minutes of warm-up with it, it was very easy to use and is a very nice feature. The lite stick'um allows for hand movement without your hand being completely glued in place. This helps especially in making precise adjustments in stick handling and shooting.


    With 3 carbon fiber layers in the blade, puck feel is supposed to be improved. After using the stick, I can conclude that the puck feel is incredible. The feel is very smooth and I didn't encounter any vibration when stick handling. While being a very stiff and thin blade, the XXX Lite's blade seems to have a dampening system. 10/10

    Stick handling / Receiving Passes:

    Stick handling with this stick is a breeze. Since puck handling is a staple of my game, I'm very pleased with the XXX Lite's feel and puck handling ability over that of my Response Plus. The feel also helps greatly when receiving passes. With the balance of a stiff blade and dampening system, the stick almost catches passes for you and makes stick handling that much easier. 9.5/10

    Passing / Shooting:

    Nike Bauer advertised the Lite as being a TRUE one-piece stick and having the lowest kick point of any stick. In theory, this should result in an amazing release and velocity. Being a finesse player, I was curious to see how my wrist and snap shots would be affected. When put to the test, the XXX Lite truly amazes. I was able to feel the quick, smooth release of the stick and my wrist and snap shots were noticeably harder and more accurate. With this stick, I can pick corners more easily and shoot low and hard shots. In terms of passing, passes are very accurate, hard, and saucer passing is easy. This may be mental, but the stick has helped my passing. After shooting and passing with this stick, it is obvious that it's far superior than my TPS. However, this stick will not turn you into a superstar. If you are unable to shoot, you will not be able to utilize this stick to its full potential. 10/10


    By any standards, this stick is light. It isn't as light as a Stealth but it isn't a brick either. It has a nice balance to it so it doesn't feel blade heavy like other lightweight composites (Synergy SL, price point sticks etc.). 10/10


    I've had this stick since the middle of November and it is still going strong. In that time, I was on the ice about 4-5 times a week. Aside from the paint chipping, a small part of the toe has chipped. However, this does not affect the stick's overall performance. I'll update this section as time progresses. 9/10


    May 14, 2007

    The durability has far surpassed my expectations. My XXX Lite is alive and well (fingers crossed) after roughly 6 and a half months of games and practices. Over this time span, a lot of the paint has chipped off and the toe chipping has gotten bigger. However, the stick still has the same grip and blade stiffness. After experimenting with some different sticks, the XXX Lite is my personal favourite. When it eventually breaks, I may begin stockpiling them as they have been discontinued in anticipation of the XXXX.

    March 19, 2008

    I sold the stick quite a long time ago. It was still in one piece and very usable as the blade was still relatively stiff.


    All in all, the XXX Lite has lived up to my expectations and backs up the hype. It is an extremely high-performance stick that can be used at all levels up to the NHL. However, if you buy this stick, be careful with it to prolong its durability. At a whopping price of $200, it is obvious to take care of the stick. If you are looking for arguably the highest performing stick on the market, buy it. However, be wary of its price and unknown durability. 9.5/10 (PP)

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