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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

third man in

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About third man in

  • Birthday 05/26/1985


  • Skates
    Bauer Vapor XXV
  • Shin Pads
    Warrior Dynasty D3
  • Elbow Pads
    Jofa Pro-Stock
  • Helmet
    CCM V08
  • Gloves
    CCM U+ CL
  • Stick
    Bauer Nexus 8000

Profile Information

  • Location
    New Jersey
  • Gender
  1. Got to skate in my M8s last night. Overall, I like them a lot and felt more comfortable and confident as the game went on. The forward flex feeling in the ankles will take some getting used to. Luckiky any discomfort I had in my arches when walking around at home in them didn't bother me on the ice. Does anyone else feel like the stock laces are way too long though? I had so much extra lace that I had to tuck them under my shins & socks
  2. Got it, a bit of a drive for me but possibly worth it if they're the only one marking down.
  3. Where are you guys seeing these on discount? LHS? Haven't seen any markdowns online yet.
  4. Damn, might have to make a few calls this week to see who has inventory in the area so I can check them out. Thanks.
  5. I've been ignoring this thread forever since I haven't been in the market for new skates but I am starting to do some research and eyeing up the M8 or M7s as a possibility. Do the Makos happen to have a similar fit of the old Nike Quest skates? I remember them feeling very anatomical with little negative space and they are still probably one of the best pairs of skates I've ever had.
  6. third man in

    Bauer XV shaft

    Bauer Vapor XV Shaft Background: 5’ 8†155lbs. Shaft: Bauer Vapor XV 87 Flex Compatible Blades: anything tapered (I use a P10 - Gagne XV composite) Options: Senior only 87 or 102 flex both with stick-um grip. Initial Impression: I had been looking for a high-end tapered shaft with a grip coating and I found out about the XV. I ordered online so I didn't know what to expect with the shaft. First thing I noticed was the concave feel of that shave, which took some time getting used to coming from a Synergy grip. I found the shaft to be very light and well balanced with the blade in and all. Stickhandling/Passing/Shooting: I really liked the grip on this stick from the minute I held it with some gloves. Stickhandling was a tad different, coming from a stiffer stick to this one, but I became adjusted rather fast and all is well now. Passing is very solid with this shaft as the flex allows me to put some extra zip on my passes. Shooting was my main concern was my previous stick was very unpredictable and it's stiffness caused a lot of my shots to go off target. No need to worry though as this shaft was just right for me, my shooting style, and weight. I could now put a lot into my shots without having to throw all of my weight into it and the extra flew really put some more mustard on my wristers. Shots really seemed to come off of this stick just like a OPS and I am very pleased with its OPS-like performance.(9/10) Weight/Balance: I immediately thought this shaft was pretty light and I still stand by that. While it may not be the lightest shaft on the market, it's not heavy by any means. I find the shaft to be very well balanced, especially with the XV blade. (9/10) Durability: I've had this shaft for about 3-4 months and it's seen a good amount of games. However, the true test will be when I enter the real season (college club hockey) which is more competitive and skilled than the men's league I was playing in. So far I haven't had any durability issues though...except for some of the grip peeling, but I feel like it's still there for the most part. (8/10) Conclusion: It took a few weeks to adjust to the concave edges and the different flex, but I really like this shaft a lot. I feel like I have total control of my shots with this stick, and that's the way it should be. I was really impressed with the balance as most two-pieces I have used have been blade heavy. I would recommend this shaft to anyone looking for a solid tapered shaft that delivers a good "kick". (9/10)
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