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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

Doctor Hook

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Posts posted by Doctor Hook

  1. Heh - I asked because one of my defencemen has a wood stick he keeps on the bench for dedicated PK-duty against asshole-teams. Can't 'lay the lumber' with a few hundred ounces of hollow carbon fibre, now, can you?

    I had a buddy who did that as well. Had this real heavy woody he kept as a backup to keep other cats in line.

  2. Got my Itech HLC Deluxe visor for my 4500. The Malkin/Sykora/80s look.

    That visor is designed to have the clips under the mounting bar, so the clips are upside down.

    I know. I like my mouth covered, even if it means condensation forming. I like big visors and I cannot lie.

  3. It was 62 for MSH2 Palms, Mesh Gussets, and return shipping. I had them back a little over two weeks after I sent them out. 42 for palms, 10 for gussets, 10 for freight.

    That's not bad considering you get nice palms and gussets and you really like the mitts. Maybe I'll consider that when my 4-rolls bite the dust.

  4. Only thing I dislike about beer league softball is it can have some of the shittiest dudes on the planet. I'm talking zubaz, wraparound shades, Underarmour hat. Y'all know the dooshes who had a tryout with the Sox but blew out an ACL and think Theo Epstein is in the stands.

    At least dudes like that in hockey can get punched in the face.

  5. Any other beer league softball enthusiasts here? I haven't played in a few years but decided to get back into it and signed up for a Sunday morning hangover coed league. It obviously won't replace beer league hockey for me, but it's a fun summer thing to do and it's a chance to drink some brews and hit on chicks who probably dig on chicks.

  6. it's the mirrored visors that irk me. Just one of those things.

    I think the same, Hook. If your not Ovechkin, why wear one?

    so you can play like him. <_<

    I don't mind the iridium or whatever it is he rocks. Plus he has the skills to back it up. But a major doosh rocked a mirrored in my old league and since then I've just not cared for mirrored visors.

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