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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

Doctor Hook

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Posts posted by Doctor Hook

  1. These bad boys showed up in the mail today. As I've mentioned in another thread, my Bauer 6000's were overkill for the league I'm currently playing in, so I picked up these SP300's instead. (my camera had an incident involving a concrete floor, so I had to find this stock picture.)

    Always admired these from afar, I'd have gotten them if they came in XL. Did you consider 5030s as well?

    If you still want a pair, I got some...a bit too large for me. Not made by Bauer though.

    Thanks for the offer, I'm sticking with my 5030s until they fall apart.

  2. These bad boys showed up in the mail today. As I've mentioned in another thread, my Bauer 6000's were overkill for the league I'm currently playing in, so I picked up these SP300's instead. (my camera had an incident involving a concrete floor, so I had to find this stock picture.)


    Always admired these from afar, I'd have gotten them if they came in XL. Did you consider 5030s as well?

  3. GoHabs: Your bucket is a Bauer 5500.

    Edit: How appropriate that post #666, I write the word: "GoHabs". :blink:

    Are you calling me the devil?

    No, I don't mind Habs fans (Habs-B's game at the Garden a few years back was one of my greatest sports experiences ever), but being a B's fan, I hate the Habs! :D

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