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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by jeffg

  1. I placed an order for a custom warrior LX2 Pro Stick through Hockey Monkey on 7/18.  When I placed the order it stated it would take 15-20 days to process.  As of 9/5 I don't have the stick.  I contacted Warrior Customer Service and was told no service agents were available and to leave and name & phone #.  I contacted Hockey Monkey and they could not advise the status of the order either, other than to say they would look into the matter.  Any suggestions?  Is this normal for Warrior?

  2. I was a big fan of the Sherwood TMP Code Pro, so I thought I would try the new Encrypt Pro.  The stick has a better release and a slightly less dampened blade than the TMP Code Pro. It is now more of a shooters stick. The big difference is that the grip on the stick only goes about half way down the shaft.  It stops between the two "O"'s in Sherwood on the front of the shaft.  This is ends up being were part of your lower hand goes.  Part of your lower hand is on grip and part is on a smooth shaft.  It is an awkward feeling to say the least.  I have never had a stick with a grip coating like this, so I contacted Sherwood and sent them pictures they requested of where the grip ended.  According to Sherwood this is normal on the Encrypt Pro stick.  The Encrypt Pro is definitely not as good as the TMP Code Pro

  3. I have a bunion on the side of my big toe and my Bauer 3x Pro size 7.5 fit 3 rubs. The bunion rubs where the toe cap joins the boot, so the there is no good way to punch it out.  I recently got to try a pair of Hyperlite skates 7.5 fit3, and for some reason the rubbing was less.  I was wondering if I went up a half size to a size 8 fit if they would be a little wider and not rub or at least move my foot back more towards the heel of the skate and away from where the toecap joins the skate boot.

  4. 4 hours ago, VegasHockey said:

    If you are spending that kind of money, just go custom and request an oversized toe cap.

    I looked at the My Bauer custom skate web site and that is still basically a stock skate. I have no issue with going a true Pro custom built skate, if I could find someone to fit me and order it from.  I don't live in area where hockey pro shops are close.  Can I get an oversized toe cap?

  5. I have worn Bauer Vapor skates in size 7.5 EE for a long time. I recently purchased a pair of Bauer 3x Pro skates in size 7.5 fit 3  I like the skates, but they are making my bunion worse.  The skate rubs on one foot near the joint of the big toe.  I also tried a pair of Bauer Mach Skates on size 7.5 fit 3 thinking they would be better but they were too tight in the forefoot I have tried punching out the skate but it has not solved the issue.  The skate rubs my foot were the toe cap joins with the skate.  I was wondering if going up to a size 8 fit 3 would move the toe cap forward enough to stop the rubbing?  I swear Bauer has made the skates smaller with their new fit system  (not a fan)

  6. I use wear a pair of Bauer X800 Vapor Skates size 7.5 EE.  I currently have a pair of Vapor 3x Pro size 7.5 fit 3.  I had to punch out the side of my right skate as my Bunion near the side of my big toe would rub.  After punching the skate out quite a bit the rubbing was less, but still rubbed.  I have been wearing Bauer vapor skates size 7.5 EE for years. I tried on a pair of Bauer Mach skates size 7.5 fit 3  thinking they are supposed to be the widest Bauer skate and they hurt the bunion on the side of right foot by my big toe much worse than any of my other skates.  Looking for suggestions as to why or what size skate to go to.  I am considering going back to my X800 skates.

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