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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About chshockey30

  • Birthday 04/06/1991

Profile Information

  • Location
    313 MI
  • Gender


  • Shin Pads
    Rbk 8k
  • Shoulder Pads
    Rbk 8k
  • Helmet
    Itech Envy 7
  • Gloves
    Rbk 8k
  • Stick
    Rbk 6k

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  1. i want to get a new tat but i need to get some money first :(
  2. whats the other tattoo on your left leg?
  3. being from the detroit area im real excite to see a picture of this one
  4. yeah ive had a few ppl tell me i should have but i like it and what can i do now? hah
  5. theres room inside all the letters but i like it how it is right now too
  6. haha thats why i told him to stop where he was. he told me like in 2 weeks to fill it in with sharpie to see if i like how it looks but i think i like it just how it is hah
  7. got my k-mart one done today. Got it down my side and holy shit did that hurt hah. i only got the outline too. i was too much of a bitch to get it filled. ill post a picture when it heals
  8. Do you have a design/font style picked out yet? no i dont really know what font i want. ill probably have the guy draw out a few and see what i like best
  9. no its my nickname. my name's Kyle Martin so ive picked up the nickname K-Mart over the years
  10. think im getting k-mart down my side on the 5th ill post pics when its done
  11. I live 15 min out of downtown detroit in dearborn heights and when i said southwest detroit, i mean actual southwest detroit. I think it was found right off of livernois street which im sure most dont know about that but its all mexicans
  12. well im not sure of the year i just know it had a newer civic si engine put in. i thought it was a 2001 but guess not
  13. well southwest detroit is all mexicans. and it was a 92 hatchback civic with lambo doors 2001 civic si engine 19" rims and a lot more shit done to the motor
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