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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by VECHKIN08

  1. I skated in the RMs too. How long have they held up for you? Mine pretty much went to crap in stiffness after 1.5 seasons. There not bad skates, but yes the stiffness is pretty much history. I have to really crank down when lacing up to have them feel tight/stiff enough. I have had them for about 5 or 6 years now, but they're really breaking down on me. I'm in the market for new roller skates though...thinking about picking up a pair of the new RBK 7k skates. Yea I play in a league with my wheels like that and nobody has ever approached me saying it's not allowed. I don't know why I do that, but I've been doing it for a couple years.
  2. Yea I love them! I typically hate CCM gloves but these are awesome. *Mods sorry about the pic size...I resized on photobucket and reinserted the image but it didn't change*
  3. Finally I got around to posting up some pics of the gear. Thanks to this board, I somehow managed to afford new hockey equipment when I didn't really need it! Ice Hockey Roller Hockey Helmets- Black NBH5500 w/ Itech straight cut tinted - White CCM Prostock 892 w/ Itech Aviator cut tinted Gloves- CCM Vector Premium series - Vancouver Canucks pro-stock NBH 4-roll Shoulders- RBK 6k Skates- CCM Vector 10.0 - Mission RM Elbows- Easton 400 Shins- CCM Vector 10.0 - Old ass Bauer 5500j Girdle- Bauer Vapor 6 Sticks- Easton Snygery SL Forsberg 100 flex - Mission Fuel Boyes 100 flex
  4. Yea they're colored...we'll see how long that lasts. If the chassis look like shit I'm going to just swap them out. Good eyes though guys.
  5. My re-done Vector 10.0. Look a hell of a lot better than before. Can't wait to rock them Wednesday night.
  6. Just picked these up on Ebay. Brand new with shock doctor footbeds...$240 shipped. Can't beat it. Don't think the blue chassis will last very long...not sure though they're kind of rubbing off on me.
  7. That's an absolute steal! The visor looks in perfect condition too! I can't say enough about pick ups on ebay. I know some people may or may not trust it but i've never had a problem. I've bought two pairs of skates for way under retail and a couple of great shafts for super cheap, couldn't be happier. Nice one MXI best of luck with it.
  8. Sweet pick up MXI...how much did you get it for if you don't mind me asking. I've gotten some amazing deals on ebay.
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