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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by bobjr

  1. 100/75 here. Glide is better, but I'm not totally used to the edge. I may have a bit of an alignment problem with one of my holders (8090 - Lightspeed1) which would lessen the impact of the edge due to the flat bottom. I guess I'm a player that likes skates really sharp. Used to always get my skates done at one of the "best" places in town, Done Right. They used dupliskate sharpeners after a radius job. I've only done mine twice and the second time was much better. Jr.
  2. If anyone is looking to get this done in Calgary: http://www.nosweatesporta.ca/ #21B - 8720 Macleod Tr. S.E. 403-204-1401 I just had this done last week and things are going pretty good. Todd is the guy that will FBV your skates and its $10 (less if you buy a pack of sharpening). A small shop that cleans equipment too... Jr
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